Just More Propaganda Or Is There Any Truth to This E-mail?

This is my first start of a discussion, so please be gentle. 

I received this e-mail and wondered if it was just more propaganda or if there was any truth to any of it.  I believe the e-mail was started some time in 2008, because the link to the article provided was 2008.  So, it's not new, and it was before the surge of Marcellus & Utica talk. 

Are the environmentalists costing Americans MORE money than we even realize?  See for yourself.  Let me know what you think?  I have been accused of being gullible in the past.  So, again bear with me, but IF it is true, is there anything we can do about it?

The e-mail:

Subject: FW: OIL!

As you may know, Cruz Construction started a division in North Dakota...just 6 months ago.
They sent every Kenworth (9 trucks) we had here (in Alaska) to North Dakota, and several drivers.
They just bought two new Kenworth's to add to that fleet; one being a Tri Drive tractor, and a new 65 ton lowboy to go with it.
They also bought two new cranes (one crawler & one rubber tired) for that division.
Dave Cruz said they have moved more rigs in the last 6 months in ND, than Cruz Construction moved in Alaska in the last 6 years!
Williston, ND is like a gold rush town; they moved one of our 40-man camps down there...since there are no rooms available.
Unemployment in ND is the lowest in the nation ...at 3.4 percent, last I checked.
See anything in the national news about how the oil industry is fueling North Dakota's economy?
Here's an astonishing read. Important and verifiable information:
About 6 months ago, the writer was watching a news program on oil, and one of the Forbes Bros. was the guest.
The host said to Forbes, "I am going to ask you a direct question, and I would like a direct answer;
How much oil does the U.S. Have in the ground?" Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "
more than all the Middle East put together."
The U. S. Geological Service issued a report in April 2008, that only scientists and oil men knew was coming...but man, was it big!!
It was a revised report (hadn't been updated since 1995) on
how much oil was in this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota, Western South Dakota, and extreme eastern Montana.
Check THIS out:
The Bakken...is the
largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska's Prudhoe Bay, and...has the potential to eliminate ALL American dependence on foreign oil. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at...503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable (5 billion barrels). At $107 a barrel, we're looking at a resource base...worth more than $5.3 trillion.
"When I first briefed legislators on this, you could practically see their jaws hit the floor.
"They had no idea." says Terry Johnson...the Montana Legislature's financial analyst.
"This sizable find is now
the highest-producing onshore oil field found in the past 56 years"... reports The Pittsburgh Post Gazette.
It's a formation...known as the Williston Basin, but is more commonly referred to as...the 'Bakken.'
It stretches from Northern Montana, through North Dakota and into Canada.
For years, U. S. Oil exploration has been considered a dead end.
Even the 'Big Oil' companies gave up searching for major oil wells...decades ago.
However, a recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken's massive reserves, and
we now have access of up to 500 billion barrels. And...because this is light, sweet oil, those billions of barrels will cost Americans...just $16 PER BARREL!
That's enough crude to fully fuel the American economy for 2041 years straight !!!!
And if THAT didn't throw you on the floor, then this next one should - because it's from 2006 !
U.S. Oil Discovery - Largest Reserve in the World Stansberry Report Online - 4/20/2006
Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains, lies the largest untapped oil reserve in the world. It is more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On August 8, 2005...President Bush mandated its extraction.
In three and a half years of high oil prices, none has been extracted.
With this mother load of oil, why are we still fighting over off- shore drilling???
They reported this stunning news:
We have more oil inside our borders...than all the other proven reserves on earth.
Here are the official estimates:
8 times as much oil as Saudi Arabia
18 times as much oil as Iraq
21 times as much oil as Kuwait
22 times as much oil as Iran
500 times as much oil as Yemen
And it's all right here...in the Western United States ! HOW can this BE? HOW can we NOT BE extracting this? Because...the environmentalists (and others) have blocked all efforts to help America become independent of foreign oil !!!!!!! Again, we are letting a small group of people dictate our lives and our economy. WHY? Follow the money: A lot of so-called "environmentalists"...are paid by big business. If the price of oil drops, the oil companies stand to loose a lot of money...who is paying for those protesters? James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says...we've got more oil in this very compact area, than the entire Middle East, more than 2TRILLION barrels untapped. That's more than...all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world today... reports The Denver Post.
Don't think 'OPEC' will drop its price even with this find? Think again! It's all about the competitive marketplace...
it has to!!
Think OPEC just might be funding the environmentalists?
Got your attention yet? Now, while you're thinking about it...do this:
Pass this along. If you don't take a little time to do this, then you should stifle yourself the next time you complain about gas prices, by doing NOTHING...you forfeit your right to complain.
Now, I just wonder what would happen in this country, if everyone of you sent this to every one in your address book.

By the way, this can be verified. Check it out at the link below !

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Don,t let him bother you.

Thanks.  I need to go to bed.  My head is spinning with so much more information.  I work the night shift, and I spent way too much time on this.  Thank you Monty.

Hope you are getting some rest.   

The main stream media are not good at reporting good economic news.... although my prediction is as we get closer to the election the current administration will suddenly become responsible for our "new found" oil reserves.  

Google Williston, ND - big time boom town.   If you listen to the talking heads over the last few years as they have railed on about the unemployment numbers and they talk about the "highest" and the lowest in the country  - ND has been by far the lowest in recent years.   THIS is why.   I think they are below 3 % when 4 % is considered full employment ( I guess it means even those who don't want a job have one!  LOL)

People are skeptical by nature, esp when it's something that interferes with an ingrained psyche - we have always "known" all the oil comes from the Middle East.  That has never been true but it's what we are lead to believe. 

Even right here on GMS there are skeptics who don't believe the "numbers" being bandied around.  Somewhat contributed to by the natural tendency for many to not brag about their good fortune.  

In the mind of a environmentalist, affordable domestic Energy provided by fossil fuels is the biggest defeat they could ever imagine.

keep drilling.... 


We all have many speculations on foreign and domestic reserves.

It seems the USA wants to get as much of the Middle Eastern oil as we can to keep our reserves for the future of this country and yes there are many other govt reasons for this. Deals have been made long ago.

So then we hear about the Marcellus shale and gas drillers going nuts acquiring all the leases they can get their hands on. NOW we hear there is a huge glut of gas and that the drillers are cutting prduction and drilling to less than half supposedly because there's no where to put it all. These guys are supposed to be the professionals in this field. With all of the high projections given my question is how did they not see this coming and why not?  Where were their analyst's future projections and the infrastructure needed to handle it? 

So many people were told they would be drilled soon then BAM the bottom drops out of the demand.  Selling gas has reached all time lows. Now we are being told this will continue for a decade!

I feel it is ALL a CROCK! I am SO tired of rackets and govt involvement in our affairs.  Everything is a big fat lie!! Except for our reserves!

We have an election coming up and I wish we would elect an honest president who will tell us the truth!

There is only one guy running who seems to fit this profile and he doesn't seem to have a prayer of getting in.  I don't like any of the other candidates! Politics! UGH!!

God Bless America!! 

Thank you for the link, Elsie.  Very interesting indeed.  Thank you for getting the date on that e-mail too.  There's so much that we don't know and that is hard to find out (truth that is). 


I think I mentioned it somewhere else on this site that it's a shame we have to pick "the lessor of two evils".  We really don't have a good choice.  I don't think I've been alive to see any good choices.  They have all been corrupt in some way or other.   Now our president is starting to talk about the good possiblities of these gas findings.  I just hope people can see right through him and not believe his lies. 

I also would like a governement that didn't get as involved.  This whole thing about them policing the Internet is just yet another example.  They need to get their noses out of where they don't belong and let the people be.  & If they ARE going to do ANYTHING good, then maybe just maybe they will ease up on the foreign oil dependency and look to our own nation.  It's here.  We just need to drill it and USE it.

I thought the same thing, Mark.  I really thought our president was going to shut everything down before it even got up and running.  Seems he waited a little bit before he jumped in head first.  Now, he's going to use it towards his political campaign that he was for oil and natural gas all along here in the States.

Unfortunately, as mere citizens, we can't seem to do much about it anymore....like before 911.  Our freedom is still here, but dwindling.  Not so happy about that.  Let us at least have our gas that's under our land and the say-so of what to do with it.


It seems I have been doing what you have and didn't realize that it was helping.  I was just standing up for what I believe in and trying to shut people up that don't know what they are talking about.  Not even just shut them up really, but end the negativity.  I can't STAND pessimism.  It drives me bonkers.  I hate it when people try to quash other people's hopes.

For example, this whole waiting thing for Trumbull county and ALOV:  I try to keep people's heads up because waiting isn't so bad when you see the golden nuggets at the end of the rainbow.  People are losing hope and faith in the newest "black gold rush".  Of course, that is within my own little circle mostly, because more people on here know more than I do.  I try to relay this information to them.  I also encourage them to come to this site and educate themselves as well.  After all, ignorance isn't really bliss in this case.....it's the other cliche.....Knowledge is power.

I don't think about it that way any longer.   All men are flawed.   Even the great leaders of the past were flawed and they knew it.  Washington, Adams, Lincoln, Jefferson - the big difference being the lack of the 24 hour news cycle era we now live in and tincture of time.   Remember how "hated" Reagan was when he was in office?  Yes many love him but he also was inspired just as much vehement hatred.   Now when Americans are polled his considered the greatest American of all time. He beats Washington and Lincoln!     The media is so adamant about promoting what "they" want us to perceive.  

I read a lot about our founding fathers... mostly to keep me grounded.  Remember WHY the people who came, came here 400 years ago.   Read about the first constitutional convention and lives of the signers.   The whole purpose of our founders was to be left alone.    Realizing that a "loose" confederation of states with some structure to provide for those things which were required to ensure freedom and liberty- so everyone could be left alone to live there lives.  To return to their farms and towns to enjoy their professions, their farms, their families and their liberties.    Most of the founders really disliked the their political duties.  It was a necessary evil they realized had to be done so they could return to their lives.     This is such a difference from the present situation.    I can't imagine what our founders would think of our congressmen and senators now.     I am also a big believer in states rights and we pay so much attention to our national political scene and so little to local and state.    My biggest pet peeve - when the taxpayer gets disgruntled with the large bite the govt takes we tend to take it out on our own localities!  I cannot deal with the mentality to vote down all the local tax levies ( schools, parks, libraries, childrens services etc) yet vote for the legislators who take more and more of our money to Washington to be poured into that black hole.   It's exactly the opposite of what our founder's had in mind.   If we all took care of our local needs, we could render the federal govt back to their very minimal ( and original) role.    

Sorry.. on my soapbox this morning!


No need to apologize for your "soap box", I enjoyed reading it.  I too love history, especially American history.  I usually vote for local levies too.  I just wish we could delve more into the Utica & Marcellus (and others in other parts of this country) more freely and without penalty.  We SHOULD be allowed to live our lives they way we want to though.  I could go on my own soap box with that one.....and started to, but thought better of it.  I could go on and on.  You would never shut me up.


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