Just was curious to hear of any activity going on in Venango county.  Anything from talks of leasing, to actually signing on the line of a lease. 

What have the offers been for potential leases?  Any good addendums you were able to negotiate?

Has anyone heard how the completion went for the Seneca Resources well?

Hopefully 2012 will hold a lot more activity for this industry founding area.

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When we signed our lease it was a non-issue. Our lease did have the indemnify clause. Best of luck.  

matthew...the indemnify clause will be in the lease, but does that also cover people who are NOT with the gas company. And also, I thought that kicks in only when the company starts some kind of activity such as drilling, installing pipes, production, etc. on the property.

Randall I did ask that question, it does cover other people besides contractors working on the property. However our homeowners could be different than most as it falls under our Agi-Business policy. 


I live out of state and could not attend the Quality Inn meeting.  Please fill me in.

Any word on how the meeting went?

To Jim Litwinowicz

I own 71 acres with one old well on it still provides royalties (not much)  My mother signed the lease and I inherited it.  Any way to get out of it???  I could fax or email it to you.   I live in Florida and will not be able to attend the meeting at Quality Inn.  Please copy any information papers for me. 

Getting out of a lease is near impossible as long as they are paying any royalty at all. Your best bet is to read it over carefully and look for some kind of depth limit or a limit to a specific strata like the Clinton or Medina.

Also see what size the units are limited to, if any restrictions. You may have a chance to get some addendum added when they asked for a pooling agreement....but that could be years away.

You might want to see if there was a no reassignment clause in the lease, if the original lease was reassigned  it might be possible to void the lease. 

Billy; good point I have friends that found that clause and are now trying to get out of the lease.  Also, see if the well was out of production for a couple of years. Courts have ruled that will also terminate a lease.  Do that by going to the DEP website a looking up the well log reports.

Jim keep me posted on that please.

Seems as though Chevron has a small foothold in southern part of the county and trying to gain more. Is there anyone actively leasing that actually has a plan to drill and produce wells? Chevron does not have good lease terms from what I saw. Does anyone have something better?

Has any of the Shell signers received money in the county?

People are seeing leases bonus money amounts and jumping on the bandwagon. Wish more people could hold out for a little longer for better terms.

Amen to that !


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