Would you sell your property with minerals for $15,000.00 / ac.

I advertised some of my property in the Oklahoma City newspaper, targeting Chesapeake brass and i have had 5 calls in two days.  I threw that figure out two a couple guys and both asked for me to send a legal description of the propery.  what do you think ???  to cheap ????

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I heard today that in columbiana county it is up to $6,200.00 with 20% per acre?  can any one confirm that?  Also, I am looking to get into the game soon.  I'm looking for a land owners group in columbiana county....  

HI Jordan,

If you find your answer can you please come back and post your findings.  I know of a few neighbors that still haven't signed and most likely would like to know if a new number is going around Columbiana county.  SInce we are in the general shale area and not the county group area on the board, I don't think you can't say what lawyer or group if they are for profit but you can say if you confirmed the number.



WOW!  I like it,finally some actual numbers being talked about.  I have several thousand acres for lease in this region and several hundred acres of minerals for sale.   In our business the price has continued to climb however we are starting to see true data and core samples that can actually give us a true picture of market value.   It looks good thus far, industry is moving in setting up our mid-stream sector and wells are slowly coming online....yes there are plenty of buyers.  Good luck to all,stay tuned and seek education....see u at the Mid-Stream.


I'm with Mike. $4,000.00 all day long in S. central Clearfield Co.

Don't you dare you will drive the price down. We're all working to drive it up. 4k would be nice but think what 15k would be like. Come on Tom !!!


I am interested in your request.   1ST of all, what rights are u selling?  Land and minerals or  all oil and gas or just certain formations?   100% interest or partial?   is it currently leased and if so can u provide a copy of the lease...what is the exact location of the mineral leasehold.    From previous posts I am curious to why $15,000.


I'm out of town. I will respond to you sunday evening.
James are you asking as a buyer or to just get a feel for the market ? If a buyer send me a message

both, I did send a request for message.

Tom is  trying to sell the local court house , lol

  With this being the topic about selling your property what do you think about this? http://gomarcellusshale.com/forum/topics/hot-girl-scout-camps-for-sale  Seems as if the Girl Scouts have some prime property they could sell. 

  I myself am against te idea of the Girl Scouts doing this as they could well lease the land and make out on it but sell it?  We know that there is only so much property and scouting takes property that  not only creates fond memories for children but protects nature as well. 

  I kind of wonder about some non profits in their dealings if they became more of a business than a non profit with a mission.  Any of you familial with these camps, the size? I would think if they are that hard up for money a sale of one property by its self would alleviate the money problem.   

I've asked a few times about the Boyscout camps around here.  There's two I know of Seven Ranges (Lots of acreage) and Camp McKinley. I've been told even if they do lease it most of the money if not all would go into a general fund and not benifit the leased property much if at all even though the one in Lisbon needs a little work.  Maybe the girlscouts feel the same way and if it was leased it still wouldn't help them hold on to that camp.  I think they are foolish to sell that camp.


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