"On the same day last week that Pennsylvania received bids averaging more than $4,000 an acre to lease state forests for natural-gas drilling, the city council in Fort Worth, Texas, approved two gas leases on municipal land.

Fort Worth got $5,233 an acre - 30 percent more than the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources did.

Though Pennsylvania officials were ecstatic about the bids last week for 32,000 acres of public land, Chesapeake Energy Corp., one of the successful bidders, agreed four years ago to lease 18,000 acres of the public land beneath Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport for $10,000 an acre, 150 percent more than Pennsylvania got"


From Philly.com




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thank you so much...
I really mean that ;-)
Just to put thing in perspective for everyone.

Two deals just went through....here are the details:

Anadrako sells lease on 100,000 Marcellus acres to Mitsui & Co for $14,000 per acre ( Feb 2010)

Atlas sells sells lease on 300,000 Marcellus acres to Reliance Industries for $14,167 per acre ( April 9, 2010)

If you do a google news search for these companies you can read the full articles.

This is the kind of money and more..that they are willing to pay....!!!!

Private landowners will be getting between 11-12 thousand dollars per acre minimum by Aug 2011.


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