Does anyone know if these gas companies and subcontractors use any compressed natural gas vehicles or do they just fill up with foreign diesel fuel?  US has Boon Pickens and corporations asking for governmental support and funding for CNG, one has to ask where the leadership is on this topic.

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Here is a thoughtful balanced piece on air emissions:

Please note that after this report was created (March 2011), the EPA has dispensed new emissions guidelines to address this potential problem.

EPA link:

Yes I'm not a licensed engineer in Pa .Pa is not the only state in the union .I was a industrial design engineer .Had 46  years designing industrial tooling ,injection molds etc experience .What are you going to do tell me I didn't do the....In fact I never worked in Pa ( do to me living on the border of NY.Also worked in NJ ....Look I didn't write the links I posted or make up what I've said ! My info is mainly from the DEP and the people who have or will install compressors .Why are you trying to disbelieve what I posted .I attended these public meetings on compressor stations put on by the compressor co's and the DEP .I have questioned and spoke at them too .It's a;; documented by the PA DEP...check that record for my name I'm sure you'll find it .Also don't get so crazy I just tried to show that drilling and compressor stations give off emissions !Take a Zanex or something it might help!Also look me up in "The who's who in Industry " it's there !


I keep getting offers to be in who's who, it means nothing. Give them money and they will say you are on who's who. Give me a little time and i will research NY and NJ and i suspect that you weren't an engineer there either. You see, i respect engineers, and my son is going to school to be an engineer. They are typcally thoughtful, provocative and sensible sorts of gentlemen, i dont really see that in you. As far as Zanex, you are now making up medicines. Maybe spellcheck would help you, or maybe you need to get serious counseling, because this site doesnt like you, not because you are against natural gas drilling, but rather because you talk like a very ignorant man that is bitter and has lost his way. But thank you for admitting that you are not a licensed engineer in Pa, after i vetted you. Its also extremelyy telling that you lived in Pa for all these years and you weren't licensed as an engineer in Pa, I guess you weren't good enough. As far as recorded by the PA DEP, i have no doubt that they have heard, were required by statute to investigate your claims, and have dismissed every single one of them. It is sad, you miss the boat. Every one of us want this work to be done safely, intelligently and with as much respect to the environment, and the citizens of this Commonwealth and the highest importance is the health of human beings. Unfortunately, you are really spewing out of your mouth honeydipper doo. I am very happy, and i feel so sorry for your wretched life. It must be terrible to be so miserable, but if you don't see yourself as miserable, that is truly worse, because then you have deteriorated that badly. I will pray for you William, God Bless You.

Actually it is Xanax, William. Someone corrected you and you still got it wrong. I wouldn't ordinarily correct something as superficial as that, BUT, even though I was trying to be cordial to you in my earlier posts, you bit me. What gives with that anyway? Were you mad because I can spell? FWIW, I was offered a who's who placement in the '90's because of my glass etching business, but didn't want to shell out the registration fee. Maybe we should start a who's who club here, huh?

I'll tell you what I've told the other enviroloons on here. Many of you are lapdogs for bosses with money making agendas and you don't even realize it. I feel bad about it, because environmentalists are well intentioned people. However, good ordinary people can be, and are, manipulated by those whose plans don't include your well being, and many times the plans are disguised in nobility. Once you learn it, it looks phony from the back row. Listen to Noam Chomsky sometime. This has been going on at least since civilization has been able to record it. Remember reading about the ancient south american civilizations whose leaders manipulated the populace by "inducing" a solar eclipse to get everyone to do as the leaders wished? I'm telling you, as sure I'm typing this, it is happening today. It is human nature, just like enslavement instinct. Only the players have changed.

If you don't like gas, tell me what other energy sources you would like to use? Don't say windmills. I love them, and fabricate the little ones, but they're not practical on our national scale. How about coal? You do realize that any resource you use needs transporting and/or processing, right? Ever see a coal truck or train hauling coal to a generation plant? They put out emissions as well, and I bet they wont be fueled by nat gas. You get a few thousand 350hp diesels carrying coal down the road and it makes the 400 or so 1750hp compressor stations look like nothing (Yeah, I know, the water and rock trucks; temporary). I don't know what horsepower trains are rated, but they are just enormous diesel engines with covers over them.  At least trains are electric hybrids and have high efficiencies per ton per mile of track. Gas compressors have the option of burning nat gas, plus turbines have higher efficiencies than IC engines, providing you are running full load.

Another aspect of coal. Ever see the hills around you torn off in coal strip mining? I have. It's great, and the scrub pine they plant afterwards is nice too. A real contribution to wildlife, that is, if their daily diet consists of consuming pine cones. Much better than those awful fruit and nut trees that were there beforehand. How about the mercury from coal generation? You like to eat fish? Good luck in the northeast US. I am concerned about the environment as well, very concerned. However, the people I term enviroloons are the ones who can't see the forest for the trees, the big picture, as it were. You have to ask yourself, all things considered, what is the net benefit of any given energy source, from beginning to end. Enviroloons pick out one part of many processes that may be dirty in an otherwise clean technology, and dwell on it. That's what spin doctors do. On a larger scale, the energy is still cleaner.


You hit the nail on the head. The driving forces behind the enviroloon movement really could gives a rats @$$ about the environment. Their true motive is control over the masses and they incite well intentioned people like william to do their bidding. The same can be said about the extreme animal rights wackos and a few other similar movements in the USA. The rank and file members probably have good intentions and are concerned about the environment and animals but are just pawns or "useful idiots" in a larger chess game. Study Chomsky and the tactics of Alinsky & such and the picture becomes much clearer.

It's Xanex sorry try one it will help ! I feeI I'm not  ignorant or bitter ! Because I bring up articles and try to post some information I am bitter and ignorant !Also you can do all the research you want on me see I have nothing to hide and I didn't lie about what I did most of my working life.You are just like a lot of people connected to promoting Nat gas .All of you love to tell people what's good about it but refuse to hear anything to the contrary .This process being a new one (that's its use in horizontal drilling) nobody can guarantee it will not produce negative effects in the future .Anyone that says this is false is close mined to the variables involved!Sorry about commenting sometimes on the heavy side...!

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, you don't know that its happening to you. I don't know if there's a cure. Maybe if you get plenty of rest, close your eyes and don't sniff that silica stuff and stay away from dihydrogen monoxide you will recover and realize that 1) you are pretty miserable to the people on this site 2)probably feel real bad on the inside. 3) and when your memory comes back you will remember where you worked and what state its in. I hope not in a state of confusion. God Bless you, but i'm bored of this

Willie , your bitter because of your super small bonus just admit it already .If you would of got a normal size bonus this wouldn't be a issue.I understand you anger thinking of all of that blood money that the evil oil and gas co's are going to make .

Your GREED made you sell out way to soon and that's your fault .

I think it's sad that you say we need Xanex when you are showing signs of mental degeneration .Sure signs of this is 

confusion , ranting , making little sense , and then frustration 

and foul language .

Seek help Willie !

Brad , thanks for your post . My self I can't wait to eliminate coal in this area or at least reduce it .

Your points are very true with the environmental impacts coal and reclamation . 

I love the look of the sulfur water that follows after  mining , it's so pretty and the way it clears all aquatic life, it  can't be beat.  I wonder how the new aquifers created by the underground mining are working out ?.

Let's see 640 acres :  coal mining nearly complete eco change 

oil and gas : 5 to 7 acres changed , tree's in tact , wildlife disruption very small once finished ,,,HHHUUUMMM this is a tough one to chose .

Even a green wiener should be able to figure this one out .

I wonder how the new aquifers created by the underground mining are working out ?

Willies real problem is the very tiny amount of signing bonus that he sold him self out for and i'll bet a very small royalty  .

Ridgeman, there is a road I drive often that goes along side of a stream that runs bright orange from deep mine output. You're right, it is devoid of aquatic life, which is good, because I'm sure they were polluting it with all their manure. Lol.

Also I wasn't licensed in PA because ( maybe you missed this I never worked in PA .I worked in NY and NJ.....!and you and your friends here can get off criticizing my credentials but who cares ,I surely don't see !

Yep I bored with you too....!


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