Not in your wildest dreams would McCain/Palin have pulled this garbage.

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Don't worry Denver. Under the complete lives system of Obama care she would have outlived her use to society and been forced to take the blue pill.

yep, when you become inconvenient in this new society you are in danger. young  or old.

Mister Denver

Schnoozie is very disrespectful of other's. He criticizes everyone, like u said if u don't think like he does u r dumb, uneducated, and all the other descriptive adjectives we have in the English language that r used to put someone down!

I truly believe when all is said and done we all want what is broken to be fixed. Democrates or Republicans I don't care which one fixes it but just fix it. I feel bad about Schnoozie bc he attacks people. Maybe I am wrong but that is what he seems to do to other people I think.

U can answer me Schnoozie but make it a nice chewing out bc I do get my feelings hurt. One more thing I would like to ask is "when did this O&G info become a place to talk about Politics"? We all need to come back around and talk about O&G. We need to give info about what is going on in each others area. I really like the info and learning about what is going on with other people's land and so forth.

To answer your questiion. Oil and Gas and Politics are one in the same. It's not that hard.

Denver is asking me to accept a willing donation of what is under my feet to fund the fraud that is Obamacare. Just a little bit. Just because it's there.

I say get your hand out of my pocket, I do not agree, and go away with your fuzzy love and compassion arguement, how I am wrong?? 

I wish there was a "Like" button on THIS site!!!!

This is directly directed to Robert Sandera!

I wish you well with your campaign, Robert. I hope you get sufficient media coverage you deserve. I know it is difficult for a third party. Media hypes the two parties, unfortunately, even when we know there are people who are vastly more qualified to lead this nation to a better future. It seems that a lot of people are waking up to the propaganda, however. I hope the momentum continues.

I don't want to see any of you guys get hurt with bad leases. Just remember never sign your life and farm away without a really good recommended attorney as its hard the oil companies hire all the ones they find.  Just remember when Big Oil speaks the lying starts as soon as the lips move. I told my neighbors Range Resources could be selling gas to themselves cheaper ripping us off double selling it. Well guess what they got nailed for 28 million for doing just that. I live near a bunch of Amish I hate seeing them ripped off paid 30.00 a month for three big unitized wells but they don't want no lawyer. Their leader did and he got more like 70 grand. He wanted to give me my farm if I gave him my gas well lol!

Thank you Robert!!

Keep going man!

Schnoozie your a complete jackass and should be band from this site. You bring nothing productive to this forum. You say that your business is flourishing since G&O came to the area. Sounds like it has gone to your head. Please do tell the name of your business and ill be sure you never get mine.
So Chuckm if a person doesn't believe as you do he or she is as you describe them above in you're statement? Hmmm maybe you should take a long hard look in the mirror.

Has nothing to do with me not sharing his beliefs. I don't agree with much of the conservative view, but I respect it. And I have a passion for a good dialogue. But all schnoozie believes in  is ranting in a close minded condescending tone. Denver has put more effort than schnoozie deserves into trying to have some meaningful dialect, but she would much rather spit all over Denver and everyone and  hide behind his monochar. That exact tone is what happened to the republican party, for that reason it will not be a majority again until it cleans up its tone. Have some respect for your neighbors and country for cryin out loud. People are much smarter than you think.

Your right respect for your country and neighbors defiantly means paying more taxes.


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