Does anyone know how to find the plat maps for the wells in ohio? I have found the map with the arrows that show where the well will be located but how do you find the plat maps that show who owns the land that is in the unit?

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Hello, have you found the answer to this question?
If so, please let me know the answer. Thank you PMD


Thanks for the tips, really.  But the fact that just this explanation is fifteen steps, followed by nine steps, followed by 6 steps will probably confuse everyone.  LOL

I gotta print this out.

If you're not in a great hurry, the really easy way is to call ODNR, tell the person answering the phone what you want, get transferred to the right guy, tell him what you want, give him your email address and then sit back and wait.  It works pretty much ~90% of the time without a callback.

Been there a good number of times and find it pretty helpful.

You have to take it with a grain or two of salt.

Take care to note their disclaimer.

The Property Lines indicated are somewhat out of register with the Section Lines and therefore we can interpret that there would be similar issues with the indicated well locations.  Perhaps we can attribute these are due to photographic anomalies.

Noting also that a goodly number of Permanent Parcel Numbers and Landowner's names aren't indicated.

However, it's a giant step in the right direction and an important reference.

I for one appreciate the access to this information.

Thank you ODNR.


hi guys   Can anybody tell me  how to find  PLAT MAPS for PA tried to use the above steps I was'nt successful any help would be appreciated  



The above steps are for Ohio only. Its not as easy to get them for PA, but you can request them from the DCNR at this site:

 thank-you very much for the information pa is a very SNAFU state I had to put a request in to the dcnr rep but its more than I was able to come up with GOOD - INFO again thank- you   dazed and confused in pa   MARK

P.S. web site assocated with marcellus shale wanted $10 for pubic information as this website proves time and time again KNOWLEDGE IS POWER thankx


You just need to provide the township, county, well or farm name, and the operator, and Ms. Schmid will email the plats.


got the info from dcnr just copied again thankx for the heads up  MARK

As far as I know ODNR will not show you the land in the UNIT only the land that leg is going under.
For some wells that's all there is but most likely there's more to the unit than ODNR is showing and you have to go to the courthouse to get it.
In columbiana county ohio there is a website that shows if a declaration of pooled unit is filled. This will show you by property ID and name of who is going to get roaylities from that well/u it.
Ex the andrelluis well in columbiana county shows 156 acres on the ODNR report but the courthouse papers filed show 416 acres in that unit.
Every name listed in the 416 acres has the declaration of pooled unit attached to their name when you search it.
The above link will being you to a well thread. In the summery on top is a link to the ODNR drawing showing 156 acres.
This link has the page that has the jpeg of the unit drawing recorded at the court house. This drawing shows almost 416 acres and you will not see the leg drawn in.


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