50% of Oklahoma holdings to the Chinese.

"We are excited to announce the execution of our Mississippi Lime joint venture with Sinopec, which moves us further along in achieving our asset sales goals and secures an excellent partner to share the capital costs required to actively develop this very large, liquids-rich resource play."

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The quest and love of money is unfortunate, Al gore taught us that.

In light of N. Korea's situation...here is a quote by N. Korean Generals'a as of midnight that should PUT INTO perspective the DIRE tenuous situation we are presently in...N. Korea General:"...judged the time has come to settle accounts with the US Imperialists in view of the prevailing situation."

---we are labeled ***US IMPERIALISTS*** when 'labeling' is done (like 'Chink', Commie'...and you are RIGHT - that is NOT 'right' - it's MEANT to DEGRADE & 'set you apart' from 'the other'...it DE-HUMANIZES your 'enemy' -eliminating 'mental blocks' to your 'destroying them'....)! *THAT is when it has been established in a mind of the 'us vs. them' mentality...we are 'the enemy' that they already have determined in their mind to a DEFEAT/PUNISH...tis is not good, this is definitely NOT GOOD...

US IMPERIALISTS...? we aren't 'imperialists'.


Also, 'KCNA' states: 'North Korea and US could only settle their differences by 'physical means'. - SEE what I mean??? THEY are ALREADY DETERMINED to 'do what they're gonna' do' - YIKES! God preserve us all. WAR, like 'fracking', simply ain't pretty! It's all destruction.

Also interesting: that China is the NORTH's sole 'major ally'...when 'push comes to shove' - WHAT will THEY do? God be with us all. Interesting.

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. Hold onto your hats, boys!

The Korean War was put in place to give a "reason" for the existance

of the communist UN TREATY...

The UN controlled Truman......canned McArther....


...and what 'difference' do you really, REALLy 'beLIEve' THAT'LL make?...pawn.

Yeah, buddy - you are right, this is 'somewhat right' (pawned 'disinformation'? - are you just a 'pawn' & believe it?...)...BUT here is the real 'nut' of it all...THEY really don't have ANYTHING to loose, do they. How much 'damage' can someone in THAT kind of a position do to you? Answer that one - without using a 'comic'...please.

When enough people rattle their sabers eventually someone gets cut.  When enough missles are rattled............someone gets blown up.  Nothing new under the sun today.

Touche', thanks, Dan - oh, so correct...it's when you think that nothing can happen to you, that you are over confident...even though you 'think' your guard is up, that is when it is most in danger of 'being down'...North Korea is 'hungry' AND they have nothing to loose - in fact, it would be a BIG 'feather in their cap' to 'rattle our 'US Imperialist' cage...shake 'em up, shake 'em hard...Feb. 9th-15th, 2013 Economist, CHANGE in North Korea

WE are 'here'...nothing really 'affects us' here. We have our homes, we have our cars, we have our jobs - the kids go to school, families, vacations, second homes, businesses, stocks, everything is 'comfy-cozy'...NOTHING could happen 'here'....

NEVER stop being aware, never stop noticing change (because THAT is the constant...), ALWAYS keep your guard up - you do at work, eh? - or that 'new guy' may JUST end up taking YOUR job...HMMM.... WELL, there is much to think about concerning such matters - I TOO, just pray that NOTHING ever, EVER happens to us here...but there was Rome +.... We just happen to still be the 'top dog' - for now...and for HOW LONG?...never ASSUME & get righteous in your presumptions - THAT is when things tend to happen...who stole my cheese?

GREAT...I love being an AmeriCAN. It's good that we have those in place.

I disagree, though, concerning NK - and your statement concerning 'hits US soil'...it only takes once. Look at Pearl Harbor - now THAT was a 'surprise'.... If it happened once, it can happen again - always in a different way...but ever sock someone who just pushed you too hard?...ever been sucker punched? - doesn't matter which way you cut it - hettin' whacked is getting whacked. 

I am GLAD that we are presently in the position we are...think of what would happen if we didn't. But that's also the reason to 'get knocked off' of the pedestal...ever play 'king of  the hill'? THAT is essentially what this is - over & over & over & over...NO ONE thinks it will 'happen to them', until it does - again, Pearl Harbor.... History only repeats itself over & over again...and at the time (present tense) 'no one' sees it coming...I didn't think THAT would happen. Don't be a fool...be proud that you ARE an AmeriCAN; but NEVER 'deceive yourself' into thinking that 'we are the best, we are the strongest, nothing will  happen to us' - because unfortunately that is usually when it does...

Like I said - if you 'parallel' your thoughts of 'strategic military strategy' to O&G strategy...it's not that different - it's just a different game....

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. May we always be noble Americans. We're in the driver's seat now...but that can change. Ever go to DC & see the Stealth (SR-71, I believe...?) - whew...the fuselage was the most surprising....

The Canadians are buying up a lot of real estate south of their border.  Canada will slowly integrate into the US just as folks south of our border have.  Someone will eventually call for better education, healthcare, fiscal responcibility, infant mortality rate.................................................

so...do we own the mineral rights under all buildings of ours?  That is the real question!

Don't fear China.  According to its Ministry of Land and Resources’ preliminary study, China has the world’s largest reserves of non-conventional gas—double the estimated US reserves. China’s relative lack of equipment, experience and potentially the necessary extraction resources—mainly water—may inhibit or slow down development there so that's why they are buying here.  It's happening to mid west farm land also.

Ensure your lease agreements stipulate additional bonus paid when sold to foreign national owned companies and write letters to your congressional representatives demanding natural resource sales clauses, etc.  That's right, it's business and no one on this site can change that.  What we can do is make them pay.  Why should I take 2-4K per acre and observe a portfolio sale at 20K per acre?  I'll take half of that, thank you very much.  At this point, I see 6106 views on this thread.  If half write a letter or better yet, if an attorney on this site prepares and distributes a letter, I assure you I will sign and send to both my state and federal representatives.  Yes, it actually does work but the effective means is an actual printed and signed letter.


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