A year ago, this forum was lit up with excitement.  Now what?  Are we landowners in this area so fickle as to only be excited with lease bonus money.  Once obtained, that is it?  Where are you James Kearns? Land leased - bonus obtained - done deal?  There is an enormous amount of things being planned, being done, by big O/G companies around here.  Has no one noticed the pink ribbons everywhere you go?  I believe there will be another round of leasing this year in trumbull.  Things are just getting started.  I have learned a lot from this forum and a great deal more from the ODNR website.  I would like to get trumbull county talking again.  I now know enough from this site alone to negotiate my own mineral rights lease and any future pipeline right of way (ROW). 

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LOL....How condescending is that? .....I can read maps but of course I don't know how smart the person was that made it (or possibly what their agenda is), do I?

It wasn't condescending in the least.  It was an honest question and further was not even meant for you. 

You're right, I shouldn't have said that........so, let me start over, what does the map say for northern Trumbull County? Please.

That particular map says one thing: high amount of hydrocarbons within the samples.  There's a problem, though.  How many samples on that map are from Trumbull County?  I'll save you the trouble of going back a page and looking.  It's one.  One sample.  Same with the TOC map that is available from the state.  One sample tells me precisely nothing.  Ten samples wouldn't tell me all that much.  One well wouldn't tell us much, let alone a sidewall cutting.  The majority of the map in Trumbull and Mahoning counties is simply inferred based on some educated guesses.  But these state-issued maps make people like you feel better and give you what may end up being very false hope.  I object to that as both a taxpayer and an industry professional.    I deal in facts and science and when I see neither of them are being adequately used I make my best effort to warn people of that.  You should have read the reaction by a number of prominent Ohio geologists when ODNR released their new, everybody-is-a-winner maps in early March.  It was chock full of contempt and even some flat out hate.  Seriously.  So instead of letting the state lead you into a direction that may or may not be right why don't we all practice some patience and wait for real, actual data to come to the market.  Until then I wouldn't do anything with my property.

Well, thank you for the info and it certainly won't be hard to do nothing with my property since, like I said, Nobody's interested in it now anyway.

Gracie Mae,

The only way i would ever "sell" my mineral rights would be if I were elderly with no family and really needed the money.  $800/ acre is a kick in the rear!  Hang on if you can - good things are coming...

I will say this:  I am not an industry proffesional and do not pretend to "know" anything, but consider this:  I live on state Rt 7 and have witnessed two different seismic studies done on this road two tears ago.  From what I understand, this service costs approximately $75,000/mile to have done.  Heresay is that when the O/G that had this done saw the results, they were skeptical of the results and said to "do it again".  Now I appreciate that there may be a lot of unknowns here, but there has been quite a bit of money invested here to be soley based on a "hunch".  Think about it folks.

Spending a few million dollars on seismic is an absolute drop in the bucket.  It's a rounding error to these companies.  When BP came in and signed all of those ALOV leases people were saying things like "They'd never spend that kind of money if they weren't sure that it would work" which is of course a really dumb thing to say.  The money spent by these companies does not matter until you see real, actual results.

Looking 4 east Geauga,southern Ashtabula and all Trumbull lessors. We will be there soon. If a solid lease and 20%gross royalty interest u, please leave a comment. Lease language runs with the land, royalty comes monthly, as long as production is present. Bonus dollars are the icing on the cake. Three players have interest. The field has been identified we r now picking teams. R u entering the draft?

Of course I'm interested but I was interested last summer when Shale Investment got a lot of us here in West Farmington to sign w/Halcon.....tied us up for 6 mos and never even made a phone call to us to tell us Halcon pulled out, had to read it in the paper. Will this be different? I'm not going to sign again for a bunch of promises hinged on a six month wait with no results. But, I'm listening.

Your "players" are going to lose all of their money.  Good luck.

I was so hoping you would respond to Mark Allen's comments, Mr. Grayson, I've followed you for some time on this forum and want to hear from you and respectively ask your opinion.......who is this guy and what is he talking about? I feel like this is a riddle I can't follow. He states in the general discussion of this forum, that he has clients, etc, what is that all about?


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