Just got our January and february check from Chesapeake, after not being paid for last month thought things would be a little better, uh uh, two months check from cheasapeake was $52, and they took out $383 for gathering, pretty soon I guess I'll be paying them to pump all the gas, they said that their producers rate went up, wish we would have never got involved with Chesapeake. Guess I'll have to join one of the class action lawsuits against them,, wish I lived at my place in pennsy, but I'm in jersey

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If you listened to use anti frackers years ago, you would have seen this coming. I make videos against fracking, and when I go out in the field to shoot, you would not believe how many leasers come to me and ask me for help in getting their royalty payments. Not to rub it in, but we've been telling people for years not to believe the BS from the gas industry, what they promise is not what they deliver.

Matt, we do. The Gas Drilling Awareness just had a sparsely attended presentation 2 weeks ago called "The Economics of Fracking- Shale & Wall St" in Williamsport and Wilkes-Barre by economist Deborah Rogers. I don’t think a pro fracking soul was there. Why? I’m starting to think that ya’ll want to be Zed Clampett millionaires and don’t want to see any of the bad stuff.

I think you all avoid facts that don't agree with you're agenda!!!!

I think you do too rmc. By the way, what facts have I avoided in the comment you are responding to?

Even If royalties are way less than landowners believed possible. Even if the total economic impact is a fraction of what was believed. What possible negative economic outcome could exist? Is it that no taxpayers had to throw good money after bad? Is it that if royalties only cover a cable bill, it's one less bill? Is it that opposed to creating 1000 jobs it only created 100? Is it that a local restaurant that was only selling 50 lunches a day is now selling 60?
No it's about the gas companies stealing from the landowners,,it's about a $5000 royalty check being reduced to $600 after deductions, that's what its about,,,

Tico, I wholeheartedly agree with your comment here.

To follow along with the start of this thread, I am in the same boat as you. I think your property is just down the road from mine but I'm not sure. Anyway, a few weeks ago I posted that I didn't get a check from CHK in march. At that time they said they couldn't sell the gas, although I did get a small check from Statoil.

Well, a few days ago I also got a surprise check from CHK for 2 months of production, Jan and Feb. Since I only have a portion of my property in this well, the checks haven't been large and the deductions they had been taking had been around 25%. This check had deductions worth 88.2% !!!

Gross $222.63, net $26.31. That comes to $13.50/month.

I called them today to politely ask about it. The lady told me the company that transports the gas from this well just raised their charge to $2.77/mcs. I asked if this would be ongoing and she said yes. I also asked who transports this gas and she didn't know.

(Wonder if it is a CHK affiliate?)

If true, this means that if gas sells for $4, My royalties would start on 4-2.77 or 1.23. Ain't that sweet?

My future royalties on this well went from @$140/month to @ $35.

No I didn't use a lawyer at signing time, back then, most didn't.

I also haven't gotten the Statoil check yet for this month, It normally comes on the 24th. I wonder what they are doing?

Sorry guys, I'm not disputing your frustration with chk. I was replying to mr cannon.

crappola! $2.77/mcf?!

60 cents an mcf should be tops!

would you mind saying which county, township you are in stan?

there was a lawsuit against range where the judge ended up limiting deductions. i think it was $0.72/mcf, and i think it was wet gas.

she knows, or can find out who is transporting that gas too. make her tell you. you are entitled to that info. you pay for it afterall.

i think it's time for you guys to call the lawyers in on chk.


Oh found out Chesapeake might be selling the gas to themselves
What's wrong frank nobody paying attention to your threads anymore?

have you asked yourself why lately frank?

shrimp egg foo yung for dinner again frank! and shrimp rolls and those cool cheese won tons too!



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