You can watch the results on GMS at 2pm at this link -

For Immediate Release
May 15, 2013

ODNR, JobsOhio to Host
'State of the Play' Event

2012 Utica shale well production numbers to be released

COLUMBUS, OH – The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) will release the 2012 Utica shale well production numbers during a ‘State of the Play’ event. The ODNR Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management compiled, verified and analyzed the results of 87 producing Utica shale wells in Ohio and will share their conclusions during the event. 

ODNR Director James Zehringer, ODNR Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management (DOGRM) Chief Rick Simmers and JobsOhio Managing Director David Mustine will discuss the production results, what the data means for Ohio’s comprehensive regulatory program and the status of the growing oil and gas industry in the state. A brief question and answer session will follow the presentation.

The results will be available at:

                        Who:       ODNR Director James Zehringer
                                         ODNR DOGRM Chief Rick Simmers
                                         JobsOhio Managing Director David Mustine

                        What:      2012 State of the Play:
                                         Oil and Gas Industry and Production Report Release

                        When:     Thursday, May 16, at 2 p.m.

                        Where:    Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts
                                          31st Floor, South Rooms B & C
                                          77 S. High Street
                                          Columbus, Ohio 43215

ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at

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For more information, contact:
Mark Bruce, ODNR Office of Communications



Jocelyn Kozlowski

Public Information Officer

Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management

2045 Morse Road, Bldg. F-2

Columbus, OH 43229


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We are going to feed it on GMS too -

Hear we go again, we have been getting the new permit list every Monday ,every week for a while now. Either there are no new permit to report, or the Tuesday veterans day holiday is a 3 DAY break for these people. And the 3rd qtr. production reports are in,but how long will it take for them to post it? xmas?  I don't know,we have thanksdgiving and xmas and new years coming up. they may slack now till Janurary!


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