Have you received an offer to buy your minerals? What State/County/Township are you in?

I'm in Ohio/Noble/Marion and continue to receive offers.  14 so far by mail, and another arrived yesterday.  Post your information and I'll draw a map of "mineral interest".    Have your offers increased, remained constant, or stopped coming?  Just curious, and it might be fun.  Thanks.

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My neighbor has 6 acres, leased to Shell.  Now receiving offers from people wanting to buy his mineral rights. I've read where some of the Oil co.s that  already have leases signed have formed some of these mineral buying co.s under different names ,sometimes buying rights where they already have leases! Westhawk,to name one.Who knows, maybe all of them are that way.  They would have to have deep pockets,or are funded by the big boys.

Bo boboski:  What State, County, Township is your neighbor in?

Guernsey co,ohio  center twp.

Just recieved a quote from a company, 4000 for part thats leased with 12.5 percent royalty. 9000 for my unleased part per acre. They said they would rather it be unleased but if you do that you have no cards in that game, except maybe a joker......

What State, County, Township?

Ohio guernsey county millwood ttownship. Up the hill and north of jeffery mclaughlin

I just got offer of 3500.00 per acre in Milton Township, Mahoning county Ohio

belmont county pultney township, 3 offers range from 3k to 10k per acre unleased

Who were you approached by? WE recently got land in Pultney Twp and were curious is anyone was leasing in the area?

Where we are at I can't find anyone interested in leasing. In fact XTO allowed our lease to expire in June. As far as a mineral purchase, Riverland, Flatiron, and Bounty Minerals have shown interest in purchasing.

U mentioned Riverland, who are they? what state? I did get a letter from Flatiron and no way would i sale out mineral rights,, but they are hoping others don't understand,, between a lease or sale out of minerals..


     The Riverland offer was for 3500. per acre. The return address was Dallas Texas. I think it was solely a mineral purchase.


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