What are people getting paid to have a WATER pipeline through their property?
Water pipeline and gas pipelines are not the same.
The gas company is wanting to run a water line through our property.
They pay the landowner for the timber..etc all that stuff.
But here's the thing:
They pay the landowner per linear foot.
They say they won't go over $20 per foot.
BUT..the ROW they need beside each foot is 35 ft.
In other words, the gas company will pay $20 for a WHOPPING 75 FREAKING FEET!!
AND: we cannot ever build, use,do anything on that ENTIRE 1/2 acre of ROW they have only paid $20 bucks for.
We will have to pay taxes for the next 50 years on LAND that we own..but will not ever use.
Think I'm done? Not yet. One way of another..they are going to use our land whether we like it or not...even if they have to put the pipeline above ground.
They are working with us and looking at options to re route on our land.
This is a WATER pipe line. Us anyone else dealing with this? A gas pipe line and water line are not the same thing.
So..anyone know anything about this?

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  I would be careful about companies paying for legal expenses. Had a

neighbor who was being sued by another neighbor over land

ownership. Second neighbor offered first neighbor using "his" lawyer

and saving money. Upshot of case is first neighbor lost the case and

it came out later second neighbor had wrong information in his claim

and "his" lawyer didn't verify information (probably was looking at

where the money was coming from). Found out because second

neighbor tried same shenanigans with me.

  If gasco willing to pay lawyer expenses, make sure its reimburse

and not upfront.

We had a water line placed through our property.  The water line was a temporary water line used to frack 3 wells on another property.  Most of the line (18 inch) was above ground lying on the surface.  The ROW was for 180 days with the option to extend for another 180 days.  Rate was $5/ft.  On land already cleared, very little impact.  Areas through wooded areas minimal impact.  The money was a gift.  We get more damage from ATV's running on the property. 


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