Dr. Tony Ingraffea to Talk About Fracking at Butler Community College

Renowned authority on shale gas drilling, Dr. Tony Ingraffea of Cornell University, has been invited by Marcellus Outreach Butler to talk about the perils of fracking at:

7:00 pm, Thursday, November 21
Succop Theater
Butler Community College
107 College Drive, Butler, PA 16002

Free to the public. 

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Oh come on.

The nosebleeds are real.

The children and elders in the family get them first, but my friends on PR Road whom I just visited Saturday, complain of having them NIGHTLY recently, along with their animals (some now dead,) and are both middle-aged.

In a local group's study recently establishing a somewhat late medical baseline and beginning a record for the are, one child's nosebleed started during the clinic.

Patently absurd. From what?  Methane?

If you have ever had the opportunity to be next to a commercial stock yard out in western Iowa, midsummer, shortly after all the cattle have moved though where the manure is so large in quantity they use bulldozers up ramps to load trucks, the methane levels are high enough to suffocate humans. Basically oxygen levels depleted. No nosebleeds, but humans do need to be careful not to suffocate.

The nosebleeds are from BTEX  fumes along with other carcinogens, including radioactive ones. I never said nor implied they were from methane.

It's not the methane, it's the Frac Fluid pits and leaking tanks and well casings and downhole communication wity other wells and the aquifer.

The easily identifiable deep produced methane (and other related gases) in the water, is just the proof of leaking well casings.

The biggest problem is the  other fumes from the immense quantities of highly pressurized, and "produced," frac fluid and so-called "brine."

Truck and storage tank spills are also becoming a huge problem as workers are pushed harder and harder and screw-ups (including overturned tanker trucks) from shortcuts occur more frequently. These also occasionally occur with  CONCENTRATED carcinogens delivered and stored to be mixed into the billions of gallons of water they foul permanently before injecting it into the ground, in  thousands of miles of honeycombed laterals (horizontal  bores) statewide. The pre-mixing forms of BTEXs etc. are a far more deadly problem than even the final product, which is still many times above safe limits for carcinogens. And they're even illegally using diesel fuel as a part of the frack fluid or "slickwater" cocktail. Sme have een acaught and fined recently bbut thy;re a drop in the bucket, as the WVDEP, WV courts, and EPA purposely AVOID monitoring (or punishing perps) claiming the very real and strategic defunded paucity of regulators. They have also been proven to squelch any of their own reports that reveal the problems with this industry.

It is NOT ok for the citizens of West Virginia, PA, TX, WY, CO, NY, CN  etc.; to be sacrificed like this for ANY "benefit to the rest of the country" (which is really just a euphemism for the profiting and energy EXPORTING companies and speculators.)

There are MANY safe,  responsible and humane ways to get energy. This is not one of them.

It is not surprising that the amount of money thrown around by this irresponsible industry can produce arguments in its favor.

Come to WV and see the results on the land and its people.

(Or you could just read Chris Hedges' book on the subject of its impact on society.)

Sacrifice yourselves - not us.

Not sure of the validity of this article but interesting. They claim 30% of all leaking methane occures naturally.


How many people and animals exist on this planet "farting" (methane) everyday?  Could that account for the 30%?  Just playin!  but really - think about it.


That is true, the source - farm animal flatulence. The lefties have even proposed taxing farmers per animal for the flatulence; a "fart" tax so to speak.

Just another example of how looney these folks are.

But strangely enough would not even have been "tested" or "reported" had it not been noticed as uncharacteristic and recent.

Discredited only by Pro gassers who think only about the money they think will come rolling in .

But they don't receive any gas industry money, do they?


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