Dr. Tony Ingraffea to Talk About Fracking at Butler Community College

Renowned authority on shale gas drilling, Dr. Tony Ingraffea of Cornell University, has been invited by Marcellus Outreach Butler to talk about the perils of fracking at:

7:00 pm, Thursday, November 21
Succop Theater
Butler Community College
107 College Drive, Butler, PA 16002

Free to the public. 

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Mark McGrail: you say "the Halliburton Loophole is a myth" but you provided no evidence to back up your claim.

Here's some evidence that the loophole is real: The Wikipedia article on the Energy Policy Act of 2005 says that "This bill exempted fluids used in the natural gas extraction process of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) from protections under the Clean Air ActClean Water ActSafe Drinking Water Act, and CERCLA."


It's a tragedy that Cheney, Congress, and Bush passed and signed this law. Obviously they were more interested in oil company profits than conserving clean water and air for our children and grandchildren. That law should be repealed and fracking should be subject to the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act.


A wikipedia article ? Really?. That's your source, your evidence ? Even high school students know not to use wikipedia as a source. All  this article is, is a repetition of the misinformation spewed by the anti shale crowd. Nothing new here.

In fact I provided a cited documented source (A General Accounting Office report) to back up my clam on Page 9 of this discussion.


I just read the article you cited, it doesn't say what you said it does. You are a typical anti shale development troll spreading misinformation.

What is the Halliburton Loophole myth ? That hydraulic fracturing was exempted from regulation under the Energy Act of 2005. It's a complete myth.

The truth of the Energy Act is this: Hydraulic fracturing has been used since the 1940's and has always been regulated by the states. The Safe Drinking Water Act was passed in 1974 without any provisions to regulate hydraulic fracturing. So how can hydraulic fracturing receive an exemption from a regulation that never regulated it ?

I will give you this:Although the 2005 legislation says that hydraulic fracturing is not covered (the wording never says exempt) under  "certain" sections of the SDWA  it is not exempt from the whole act as you contend. Why is it not covered by those sections? Because those sections deal with injection wells, and are regulated at the state level. Congress wanted to make a distinction between injection wells and hydraulic fracturing. The word exempt is never used in the act, you should look it up and read it.

As I said, the Halliburton Loophole is a myth and you should know better than to rely on wikipedia as a source.

I love the discussion about the Halliburton loophole and the oil and gas industry being exempt from regulation. Each drilling site etcin addition to a drilling permit the companies  must receive a permit from the EPA/state with regard to clean air, clean water compliance etc.

So there are no ponds on any site releasing toxic fumes it's a myth.


I love it when someone is foolish enough to lie so blatantly.

BTW: News is, the nosebleeds have officially begun in Center Station, Doddridge County, WV.

Nosebleeds ? Again with the anecdotal stories, no proof as usual of a connection to oil and gas development.

The GAO looked into the subject of oil and gas regulation and the conclusion was that the industry falls under no less than eight federal statutes Clean Water Act (CWA), Clean Air Act (CAA), Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act ( CERLA), Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPRCA), Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and a myriad of state and local regulations.

In Ohio first, operators must be approved by the Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. EPA for Clean Water Act 401 and 404 permits for wetlands and water quality.  If they receive the green light on these permits, then ODNR begins a technical review of the drilling permit to ensure the cementing plan is sufficient.  If this plan is approved, water testing is completed for all homes within 1,500-feet of the wellhead, with results distributed to the landowners, ODNR and the company. Next, the company must work with the U.S. EPA and the Ohio EPA to file a Spill, Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan.  Then, companies must also file a permit to install and operate (PTIO) with the Ohio EPA for their production facilities that will be onsite.  The PTIO regulates emissions from a production site under the Clean Air Act.  Only after companies jump through all these hoops successfully can they begin to think about actually drilling a well.

The oil and gas industry is one of the most heavily regulated industries in the nation.

Talk about lies, people who continually claim that this industry is unregulated are spreading  the lie of all lies. But that is typical of the anti shale development crowd. They have no facts so they use anecdotal stories, rumors, hyperbole and when necessary lies.

Mark, feeding facts to the communist troll just causes him to make more outrageous statements!


I agree that facts are lost on these people, in fact many of them know the facts but continue to spew their misinformation in order to serve their true agenda.

Instead I present the facts for those who may only read these posts hoping the truth and the facts will be valuable to them.

I understand and appreciate your efforts.  I just think this guy has shown himself to be way over the top so anyone who is paying attention could easily see his arguments are pure political drivel.

Rodney has managed to make Chip Northrup look like a reasonable man. I thought that was impossible! Everybody remember Chip?

Good old Chip.  He spewed his venom and then moved on, just like most of the fractivists.


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