Pro-Landowner Royalty-Deduction Bill Passes Out of Committee: See how they voted (HB1684)

Yea votes stand with the land owners of Pennsylvania, Nays do not!!!! We landowners need to support those who support us. We cannot forget these people who fight for what's right for the people of Pennsylvania. The fight isn't over yet.

Let's thank Rep. Garth Everett for sponsoring this legislation

Phone: (717) 787-5270

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It was not me I love a good DeBate!

Well one or two of mine (I think... I find this 'reply' layout confusing) are gone too, and I know I didn't delete them.  Mr. Cohen still seems to be here, as is Ms. Newton, and believe a couple of theirs have disappeared likewise.  I don't believe anything had drifted off-topic (aside from the obamacare mention!).

Is there a moderator at work here?  Would be nice for an up-front explanation of what exactly is going on.

Well I can tell you that both Dan and I had petitions and they got taken down!  Obviously they do not want us talking about this, gee I Wonder why?  I thought this was a forum to debate somebody can not take it:)

Absolutely true, however some of the posts that I can recall were very much on-topic and I don't believe there was anything offensive contained therein.  Certainly no expletives etc.

Maybe you and Dan should contact Yoko Ono and her son Sean Lennon.  They should understand you and Dan's goals.  Success is waiting for you with the Lennon's support!


You refer to goals of Moldyoak and myself. What goals did you have in mind?


I'm not particularly certain to whom she's referring.  I should hope not I, as I firmly believe that Yoko and Sean have made complete... donkeys... out of themselves.

Like I said if you contact Yoko Ono, and her son Sean Lennon they will understand how you feel about the oil companies and fracking.  You will be able to get positive results if you align yourselves with the right people for your cause against the oil companies.


Now you are referring to how I feel about the oil companies and fracking. I'd appreciate you refreshing my memory as to what you believe you know of my feelings about them.


I do believe that Keith(site originator) does do due diligence in monitoring most, if not all, debates/info/comments etc. as is his right to do. Agreed that perhaps comments from Keith as to what excesses (if any) or trespass (if any) are being removed and for what offense would be helpful. That way we could either refine our presentations to comply or not, as we see fit.



Call your rep or senator for your district and voice your opinion of 1684, if they are a supporter tell them thanks, make sure you tell them where you live, remember they represent you as a voter.


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