Is there anything going on in Clarion?  

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Eight horizontal wells in production, so not much. According to Range Resources, most of the county is in the triple play of upper devonian, marcellus & utica. Hang tite and you will be rewarded.

David, is the biggest problem wells HBP or infrastructure?  Are the three plays all dry?  It is frustrating to know there is gas but not hear much about it!!!!


I really think it is a total demand thing. Only so much demand and therefore only so many rigs to drill. The infrastructure is something that can be built out and will once they move that way. Patience is the play of the day in central/nw PA. It will come and landowners will be blessed. Venango, Clarion, Elk, Forest, Cameron & Clinton will get developed at some point and they will all produce either all three or just one strata. But, I believe each of these counties have value and some areas will see the triple play! Check out Range Resources' presentations, which can be found on their website. 

David...what is your view of northern Indiana & southern Jefferson Counties?  Do you think the triple play applies here, too?   Thanks....

I am not sure. I will look at some reports and take a guess. These other areas have been more of my focus in reading, but I have all kinds of maps/presentations saved and can look those areas over. 


Consul & Range both like the Marcellus in both Indiana & Jefferson. Senece likes Jefferson for Marcellus as well. Good thickness and depth in both counties. Both counties have some good producing wells - some underperforming also.

The big question mark will be the Utica. It looks like Jefferson will have Utica wells, as you get deeper it has been said the Utica will become overcooked. Just where that line is would be the question.

Jefferson might have Rhinestreet in NW corner. Range has a presentation showing the upper Devonian in PA. The other strata to watch would be Burket & Middlesex, these are probably too thin, but you never know.


Any info on Potter Co.? Thanks

Marcellus is wet in Clarion and  Venango counties 1250  BTU'S range. The EQT  well in the Pine City area of Clarion County was in the low 1300 BTU range.Not sure about the Stone Engery wells, not on line to my knowledge. The Utica in Venango is also wet. The question is the Burkett. Chevron has 2 permits to drill Burkett wells on the Brosuis pad along with the Marcellus and Utica well already drilled. David is correct be patience it will happen. National Fuel Gas ( Seneca ) are big players in the area' and have quietly been upgrading take away capacity. Check their last presentation. Interesting for this area.

Thanks, David and Deer Spotter.  This is the first encouraging posting I have seen on Clarion County for some time!  

deer spotter,

I know that you know and understand the following; not to insult, it is intended for others.

Dry Gas is Methane CH4

Wet Gas has increasing amounts of Ethane  C2H6, Propane  C3H8, and Butane C4H10.

Not my area of expertise; but, from what I understand, very Wet Gas is good; a bit Wet can pose challenges;  a bit Wet Gas can have too high a BTU content such that not much of it can directly go into a pipeline that will send this gas directly to customers (it will burn too hot for appliances and the Natural Gas Liquids can drop out in low spots in the pipeline).

Until facilitating infrastructure is in place to better deal with Clarion County’s gas, Clarion County may be on “hold”; due to an excess of Ethane.

Also, there are areas in PA, Ohio and WV that are currently viewed as ‘better’ and are currently getting the present attention.

As David stated: “Patience is the play of the day in central/nw PA. It will come”.

Count me amongst the impatiently waiting.




Jack: You are correct. Most companies will not take gas over 1100 BTU, The EQT well was drilled close to a processing plant that was in operation to strip high BTU gas from shallow wells. Two issues with the plant are not constructed for high volume wells and the ethane what is not used to operate on site equipment is reinjected into the gas stream. Buddy: this activity took place about 4 years ago, But the gas is there.

What is the BTU range for shallow gas vs MS gas in northern Indiana & southern Jefferson counties?  Any problems with commercial use for the gas in this area?


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