Have owned property in Millwood Twp. Guernsey Co. for past 25 yrs. MarkWest has contacted me about running a pipeline across my property. They don't want to pay much but talk like they will negotiate. Has anybody had any past experience with this company?

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16"  and one pipe,  50' wide, no above ground anything....

Thank you. The offer they made me is way lower than that. I don't think this is worth the hassle.

May I ask what area in Millwood are you located ?  My neighbors experience was my real good with them. Actually mine wasn't either.  They did an open cut through my township road , meaning they didnt bore under ,they just dug it.   It was rough as hell for over a year, their contractors were terrible at blocking the road also.  And because of one of their contractors not being paid my neighbors farm now has a lien attached to it.  It's not a Mark West problem, I think it's mainly their contractors you have to watch..

I'm on 513 just south of Putney Ridge. Part of the old Hall Farm. I live in Akron but have made the drive every other weekend for past 25 yrs. Bought the land for hunting primarily. This oil business has been a big plus. Thank you for the reply. Don't think this is worth the trouble.

I know exactly where your at. We used to hunt there years ago. Right before you bought it I think. Pipelines can be a hassle for sure. Gotta thing long and hard and have a good attorney or someone who knows about it to help you. Thanks and good luck


   Not worth the effort for the "small" amount of money. On the first ROW we didn't have a lease so I figured with a gathering line might get better offers. That seemed to have worked really well. Now in a producing unit and bought our own damn stone and a few other things. Yes that stone wasn't cheep. Sure is nice and all ours. If they need something else it's going to cost 'Em plenty. Hey I warned them. Those tight wads.

This ROW agreement maybe a good starting point for writing your own ROW.  It helped me with my MarkWest ROW.


Here is a Google Earth map of the MarkWest pipelines that where installed in 2013.  You will need Google Earth installed on your computer to view the map.  The map might help you figure out the best path across your property.  I was able to get them to move the pipeline next to an old Dominion gas line to minimize the amount of woods that they had to cut down. 


Depends on what the diameter of the pipe is. Most places for a gathering line, charge $2/inch per lineal foot, for a 20' wide right of way. Negotiate for a 20 year lease/license and not a permanent easement. That's for one (1) line. Temporary work space for construction is extra and usually based on a 10% value of the property on a per acre basis. That's for one uear's use and they must rehab to good or better after construction. Let me know what they offer and I will tell you my take.



A pipeline was replaced on our property last summer. For the temporary workspace next to the ROW, we were paid at the rate of 50% of the market value of the land on a per acre basis for 3 months. It took longer so we were paid on a per diem basis for the extra days. They also needed a pipeyard for which we were paid 50% of the value of the land on a per acre basis for each month.

Since it was a replacement situation, they had no choice about where they were going to work and they had little time in which to negotiate. However, the final agreement was much higher than the first offer. Also, they had to follow the "Best practices for pipeline reclamation" posted by Soil and Water that included discing before seeding. We were very pleased with the outcome. Good luck.
Working with them right now on granting them "survey permission". Our attorney advised not to sign the open ended, vague language that gives them "permission to do anything anytime" and inadequately protects us. We have not gotten has far as the ROW agreement as of yet.... Still hammering out the new "survey agreement".(Nottingham Twp., Harrison Co.)

The only thing you should be concerned about on a survey permission is an indemnity clause to protect you and a damage clause if they cause any damages, you will get reimbursed. Other than that, they should give you 24-48 hours notice before entry. Once they get their survey completed, then they will show you a plat or drawing of the where they want to locate the pipeline. That's when you cah have some input on location if there is a problem or a concern.


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