I have been hearing of companys offering $12000, $13000 even $15000/ acre to buy mineral rights. So far I haven't been able to find out who is making these offers. If you've received an offer in this range could you please tell me who made it? Thanks.

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If you sold your royalties and are happy, great.

It doesn't affect me either way.

As long as you know what you are doing.

Most of the reasons for selling don't lead me to believe you know what you are doing.

10 cents on the dollar is a poor hedge.

Frankly, I believe very few are who they portend to be on this thread, because of the illogical things they have said.

But whatever, if your eyes are wide open and you are happy to give your money away, knock yourself out.

I have no " wrath & ridicule" for you, I apologized if you were offended by my use of the word stupid.

I will keep my royalties, you are free to take the 10% generously offered by the buyers, whether they be "satanic beings" or not.

The guys on the McClain told me they are to begin setting up the rig on Thursday.

10 cents on the dollar is a poor hedge.

This is probably true if you're selling, but remember who is making these offers...

"Hedging your bet" is one theme used by investors to entice folks to sell their royalties, but it is not real logical.

I have yet to see any logical reason to sell royalties.

Likewise, no one has challenged my 10 cents on the dollar claim, meaning that the investors will offer and pay you that much of what they consider to be the overall value of your lease.

Thank you David.

We have friends in Perry Twp Monroe County. They ( Bounty) were offered $7200.00 for there 12.5% mineral rights back in November, They ( Bounty) called last week offering $ 5000.00 now. Times have changed I guess. The top of the market seemed to be in June thru August of last year. I guess it is hard to find the top until you hit the bottom, then you know very well

I am glad they didn't take it then and I hope they pass again. The markets will recover eventually, but it may go down some more first.

Is theirs a producing lease or waiting to be drilled ?

Was it surface to core royalty rights ?

Bounty is using the drop in oil price to lower offers......but what is in the ground is still the same......prices will go back up at some point 

Puzzled, I believe this is true.  Nancy

No one is forcing you to read anything my friend.

So if minerals are worth $200k pr acre i must really be getting screwed on my royalties as i have 3 different properties I'm collecting royalties from and my leases range from 12.5% to 18.5% and my checks have ranged from $50 to $620 pr acre pr month so how will that ever add up to $200k? So david if your so sure of what they are worth i will gladly sell you mine for 10%

For the one hundredth time, it is location, location, location. If you don't like those figures I quoted then take it up with Antero, they are their figures I quoted.

Where are your leases ?

Your numbers compared to what antero told me is way off so i will let it at that but mine are in carroll harrison and noble counties


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