I read just a few lines in GASFRAC's press release of 11/14/14 that says:

"GASFRAC has just commenced fracturing its first well in the Utica Shale formation.  A number of exploration and production companies have an ownership interest in this well and are closely monitoring the project with the potential for GASFRAC to perform fracturing services on other wells in the Utica Shale formation."

Here is link to press release, but I have quoted all that is stated about the Utica fracking.


Now today I read some comments made by EV Energy Partners saying:

"In other news EV Energy Partners said production could begin in December on a much watched Utica oil well in Tuscarawas County.  The company drilled the experimental well with eight other industry partners Walker(company's executive chairman) said. "This is a test of what could be EnerVest and EVEP's most valuable asset in the Utica," he said.  Getting oil from the Utica shale has proven to be difficult for drillers to date.  That well near Uhrichsville is being hydraulically fractured or fracked with liquid butane and mineral oil.  That should be complete in two weeks.  "We're excited but cautious as we are bringing new technology to bear in this process,"  said company president and CEO Mark Houser.  "We are in the middle of the completion operations and have completed five of the 20 (fracking) stages so far."

Source of these comments is at:


Question is who are the other eight partners?

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No, not my style to behave in that manner.

Did you or Ron Hale I wonder ?

BTW, I didn't criticize Wall St. (but maybe I should have cited them as well for any part they played or play in it all, now that you mention it).

However, I may yet choose to invest if I were better heeled (and healed) - lol.

Maybe you see a NWO - Wall St. connection or something ?

I'm critical of the NWO / globalists, the O & G industry, the E & Ps and our legislators / politicians.

Why did you bring Wall St. up ?

You trying to start something - haha ?
Is Halliburton still building that big place in Zanesville near Airport Rd?


    Buck Well 1H landowners have the best leases in the nation, the ALOV Gross, No deduction leases.

Our leases are being ignored by CHK because they are too good.

You may have heard that I have my CHK Theft Spreadsheet, it's getting around. You will have your own CHK Theft Spreadsheet but it probably won't leave the CHK Revenue Dept Office like my Spreadsheet did.

The news will be out soon enough and if CHK stays in your area,  you will be victimized by them the same as every landowner across the nation. It's no secret, just do a 15 minute Yahoo or Google Search on "Chesapeake Theft" or call a friend or neighbor receiving royalties. Hoping isn't going to change what's coming your way.

Thanks for the advice Ron.

To give you some more insight we're not leased (we were leased earlier by another but now not).

Your reply cautions me about being leased by CHK. Does that mean that I somehow will be netted by CHK anyway - perhaps force pooled and then perhaps victimized as you tell us all you have been ?

If that's a feasible scenario perhaps I'd do better for myself and family by selling all or a portion of my mineral rights instead of leasing ?

What are your thoughts ?

Went by the Parker well today and they must be fracking or getting ready to frack..Gasfrac is there and they looked pretty busy.

Tena, thank you for posting. This is important information for many landowners in the Western edge of the Utica play as it gives much hope for their future. Unlocking the volatile oil window is a big part of that future and Gasfrac may be the key to that lock. If you have time it would be nice to read a few more specific details regarding what you saw? p.s. there are a bunch of Gasfrac shareholders sitting on the edge of their seats wondering what has happened to their investment, I am sure they would enjoy some more details too. Thanks again.

Very important to Northeastern Ohio as well.

Ditto Tree Farmer from the Utica Northeastern Ohio 'Window'.

Standing by for news.

Tree Farmer , when i went by i saw the two big containers standing that had Gasfrac written on them. There were at least 30 pickup trucks maybe more that were there working. The gate house was up and more people going in and out.There were alot of tankers and semi trucks . i went by about noon yesterday . I  think that the nettle well only had one of those Gasfrac containers on there well. this looked to be a bigger operation than the nettle well. Hope to get back by there today and see if it has slowed down. Tena

and they went Bankrupt.. oh well..

I read purchased.

Hoping new owners keep the people.

And keep them busy.

Last I heard, they didn't intend to utilize the equipment. 


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