Information about drilling activity, pipelines, etc. in Millwood Township.

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If so, it should have been recorded. You can search the documents by clicking the link at the top of this page:

It will take you to US Land Records and you can follow the prompts through there to search. 



Perfect- Thanks a  lot James !!!

If you need some help just send me a message to my inbox and I will do what I can!

I found what I was looking for. Thanks !!!

I noticed this week a substantial pickup (no pun intended) in traffic by the house here on Putney Ridge Rd. Some heavy trucks with dump beds or other equipment pulling trailers with hoes and skidders and such with "Eclipse" logos on the doors.

I had to finally call Eclipse to complain about the speed and the trucks coming off of McBurney onto Putney and barely slowing down for the stop sign. The guy on the phone was very nice although if he gets me any satisfactory result he will be the first one to do so.

Anyhoo, I was not aware that Eclipse sold the processing facility on Grape Hollow road. I noticed the absence of the flame from over there, which I can easily see from my bedroom window and when I went down there yesterday I noticed the guard shack there is gone.

There is a hunting camp between me and the Fritz well with a pipeline access that had some activity on it but I couldn't  tell what they were doing. There was a man on the other side of Putney doing something in the ROW with his truck parked in the road on that blind curve with no warning cones or anything, which drives me crazy.

I did tell the Eclipse man how much I appreciated the Ramco trucks for the courteous manner in which they drive by my house, always at a very reasonable speed. I don't expect to hold people to the 15 MPH Eclipse posted speed but I do appreciate very much a little consideration for my family's safety.

We talked a little earlier about two Eclipse land acquisitions, I wonder if anyone has any more specific information about location and usage of the purchased properties.

I also wonder if anyone knows anything about Chesapeake Energy having obtained ROW agreements from landowners necessary for piping product from the McClain well in the eventuality they frack it and bring it on line.

Keep your minerals folks, I saw where some friends of mine sold their recently for a paltry $3600 and acre. Guaranteed that better times are coming for the oil industry, just enjoy the gasoline savings while they last.

Eclipse was working on the Fritz property this week removing the silt sock, graveling the driveway through the field, grading the temporary water line access road, and cleaning up the trash left behind by the frac water pump operators, etc.

Yes, everyone needs to be careful around the gathering facility on grape hollow rd. It's been a month and half since my husband got hit by a tanker truck. The guy never even looked when he pulled out, slamming him,almost pushing him over an embankment. Thank God he was in his truck or he would have been killed.  Totaled my husband's truck. It has took us forever to get anywhere with this guy's insurance. The driver got failure to yield, and guess what his fine was??? $20!!!!!!!!! 

I tried hard to get help with the guys who were just running over us but there was little accomplished. I am very sorry your husband was hurt and am glad he is okay. I am not surprised by it though and fear it will only be a matter of time before someone is more seriously hurt.

I am also not surprised by the punishment for the citation. I watched a car pass a school bus on a double yellow line, reported it to the sheriff, the driver reported it to her boss who was supposed to have reported it to the sheriff.

How many citations were issued ?

The exact same number representing the guys passing school buses who were fired for their reckless disregard for our (my) kids.

I have many times watched all manner of trucks blow the stop sign at McBurney and Putney Ridge road.

I assume those over size loads came up passed your house and to the gathering facility.

Chesapeake has set up the McClain pad for fracking, many trucks running in and out and a lot of noise. Last night laying in bed I could hear it even over the TV.

They have not yet run a temporary water line though, I hope they don't try to run it the week of gun season even though it only follows the road along my property.

I believe this is three years in a row they have been down there gun season on that pad.

I talked to them on the phone yesterday about a leasing matter and he told me the wells are set to go into production in April of next year. We talked a little about market conditions hopefully pushing that back until prices recover. He told me that I was alone in that desire, giving me the impression that they were being asked frequently about a timeline for royalties to start coming in.

Running the waterline your way was just a backup plan. It's running to Salt Fork Creek. North of well pad

Any new updates on Millwood and county line properties? Beaver and Millwood is hot spots but not as much activity lately hopefully just do to weather change! 2016 is supposed to be the year lease are running out hope they renew them? And wells way promised! 

I was told yesterday by a landowner that Eclipse has pulled a permit for a unit to the east of the McClain unit in Millwood township on Putney Ridge.

Another landowner told me that Eclipse called him just a few days before the youth deer gun season and asked permission to walk his lane on his property, looking at using it to make the road into the pad they will drill this same unit from.

I cannot verify this but it came from two different landowners who do not know each other who I consider pretty reliable.


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