Ohio horizontal permits issued this week.....33    got to be a record for one week. Noticed a lot of camper trailers filling up lots in Guernsey co. lately.  What up wit dat?   just sayin!

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(1) Five hundred dollars for a permit to conduct activities in a township with a population of fewer than ten thousand;

(2) Seven hundred fifty dollars for a permit to conduct activities in a township with a population of ten thousand or more, but fewer than fifteen thousand;

(3) One thousand dollars for a permit to conduct activities in either of the following:

(a) A township with a population of fifteen thousand or more;

(b) A municipal corporation regardless of population.

(4) If the application is for a permit that requires mandatory pooling, an additional five thousand dollars.

For purposes of calculating fee amounts, populations shall be determined using the most recent federal decennial census.

Each application for the revision or reissuance of a permit shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of two hundred fifty dollars.

Remember I am not a lawyer, but the above is what I found in the Ohio Revised Code regarding cost of permits, they look cheap to me,  and I certainly didn't know it was based upon population of the township, most of the townships being drilled in our not highly populated.  

In Ohio IMHO permit activity may increase as a means to tie up the leases and forego paying lease bonuses.   Time tells all!

If PA has such a sliding scale of fee amounts, it would be useful info for the public to have.  Anyone?

Here is the link to the PA well permit application fee calculator:


All unconventional horizontal wells cost a flat fee of $5,250.00, all unconventional vertical wells cost $4,450.00 and conventional wells use a sliding scale based upon TMD of the well.


Ohio for week ending 10/17  issued 21 permits

13  Belmont

 3 Carroll

 3 Monroe

 2 Noble

permits issued to 6 companies

three companies are having money problems  Triad Hunter(Magnum Hunter), Ascent,  and Chesapeake  IMHO


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