From Fortune magazine:

"Researchers found that fracking chemicals damage the reproductive health of male mice.

new study shows that chemicals associated with hydraulic fracturing, an oil and natural gas drilling technique more commonly known as fracking, have been linked with a decreased sperm count in male adulthood, according to a press release by the Endocrine Society. ...

They exposed pregnant mice to these chemicals in levels that reflect what humans likely face from wastewater and from drinking water that has been exposed to fracking fluids. When they observed the male offspring in adulthood they found that, compared to the control group, they had lower sperm counts..."

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This story brought to you by the "if you throw enough crap at a wall" campaign.

Of mice or men?


Way to go. Once again parsing information to fit your preconceived conclusion.

What you didn't the folks here is that the chemical mix injected into the mice was several times the concentration that would ever be found in use in fracing operations. Also, the doses injected were far higher than would ever be found in the field.

So, no kidding Sherlock, that these folks found the results they were seeking (designing research to come to a preconceived conclusion, rigged science).

It's no wonder why the study had a preconceived conclusion, the primary researcher Susan Nagel is a well known, outspoken opponent of oil and gas development, and fracing. In fact she proudly tells people that she was a co-founder of New Yorkers Against Fracking. Can we say BIASED.

The science and procedures are so shoddy in this study that even the National Institutes of Health denied funding.

Where did the funding come from then? Anti- fossil fuel organizations such as the Passpor tFoundation. An organization well known for funding all manner of anti-fossil fuel efforts.

I have to ask, what is your penchant for posting this drivel? Do you even read the nonsense you post? I'd dare say that if you did you would never post it.

Don't worry Barry, Paul really does believe the crap he posts...unbelievable I know.


Another thought;

The researchers admit that they have no evidence that the Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (their words, and your words, not mine) are contaminating drinking water due to oil and gas activity/fracing.

This is for Keith Mauck (Site Publisher):

Keith, if you wish to continue featuring posts by San Francisco, anti-drilling, nut jobs, who specialize in and relish their role as gadflies, while making no meaningful contributions here whatsoever, please re-name this web site to

For those of us less tolerant of idiots than yourself, this crap is getting a little too deep to make visits here worthwhile.  Keith, there are multiple web sites available which offer the asinine wailings of those who oppose fossil fuels and drilling in general.  We don't need that here.

And BTW, if you are one of those "open minded" people who sees value in providing "both sides", please bear in mind where fossil fuels are concerned there is only one side, and that is the pro-drilling side.  Period.  Full stop!! 

A login from Paul should send him to a copy of the Main page here where only he has access, unbeknownst to him.

We are saved from reading his drivel and he feels good that he is doing something to spread his BS. We wouldn't want to hurt his feelings now. would we?


Ditto that.

Hey Paul, what runs the computers at CMU's computer lab?  wind, solar, or "biofuel"????

Stll can't believe any responsible administrator lets this man near a classroom or students.

Thank God for tenure, eh Paul?

Agreed.  But the problem is on most college faculties there are many more like him.

Maybe there computer key boards are making energy as they type this s---!


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