Again Mr Trump was right..

and Ruskies taking his advice... ?

at any rate... ME oil fields.. being bombed...

Guess that might bring up the PRICE on OIL  ??

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We should risk it because Russia wont leave if they get in. They have always had a single foreign policy. It  starts with a T- and a number like 90.

The fact that they were going to do this is pretty apparent. Their economy is based on oil. The OPEC'ers have flooded the market driving prices down so we cant afford to produce. It also cuts into Russias economy. Thus the T-90 foreign policy.

It seems a lot of Mr. Trumps land deals occur in New Jersey. Is this not Mr. Christie's state of governorship?

if 1 + 1 = 2, one might think the accused corruption of Mr. Trump may have benefits for Mr. Christie also?


You know that little about Trump to think that this happened since Christie has been in?

 Have heard of such a critter Joseph-Ohio. Along with enjoying the power to influence elections they seem to endorse self interest, pork barreling and maintaining a contrarian attitude. They revel in being a spoiler whenever possible? Of course you are reserving that for a full blood independent. Kinda hard to tell the difference  :(


According to Wikipedia a swing vote independent is:

Low information voters, also known as LIVs or misinformation voters, are people who may vote, but who are generally poorly informed about politics. The phrase is mainly used in the United States, and has become popular since the mid-1990s.”

Say it ain't so Joe?

May we return to the proper topic of minus forcing opinions upon one another? :) 

People love Black Eye Susans to :)

We appreciate ya Joseph-Ohio. Keep up the good work :)

Well that's WIKI's definition of a 'Swing Voter' I guess.

Only doin' the best I can with what I have to work with (as an outsider lookin' in).

Who a 'higher informed voter' is relative to a 'lower informed voter' is a mystery to me - so I guess I can't say it isn't so as well as I can't say it is.

I thought we were on topic considering the OP is about Trump calling for bombing M. E. Oil Fields and all.

Reads politically based to me.

Anyway, good luck to all of us as I think we still need it.

Thanks for the outburst Mr. Adams. I am sure you feel much better now :) I did not mean to wound you so deeply your only haven is denial. I have many heroes and you just topped the list of them all. I am impressed. :)

Opinion is the interpretation and expression of fact. There are always two sides for every story; not just yours. It is not right to spread your drivel without the presentation of both sides.

Considering Mr. Trumps skills? Is there one you list you would not want on our side when we face the enemy? Is there one not employed by any previous presidential candidate or president. Many Heroes of these United:States have done much worse than build a parking lot for a limo. Mighty petty Mr. Adams mighty petty.

Surely you are not so naive as to think Mr. Christi is not getting his fair share right there in his back yard?

I believe you have demonstrated Narcissistic know it all attitude as well as can be done, bravo!.

The only thing Mr. Trump is guilty of is violating your ideals and beliefs. Otherwise, he would be in jail instead of leading the polls to be the next president of these United States of America. In Russia you would be in prison for your outburst and as a daily chore be waxing them T-90's, if ya was lucky :) That is FACT Mr. Adams :)

Our hero as you put it has ya down huh, Mr. Adams? :)

I feel for ya , I really do :)

If ya hate the system called United States of America so bad. Leave!

Buy gas, for ya scooter, at inflated prices in any country you decide is better than ours :)

Otherwise, please join us in meaningful conversation :)

Giving a flower is powerful and always helps. :) Right Joseph-Ohio? :)

A Red Rose for you Mr. Adams :)

Take Care :)

Gregory does seem tweaked.

Actually, so am I - and feeling that way because I think we have been and still are heading in the wrong direction; and the chance to (somewhat) correct things is approaching with the upcoming election; and I am concerned that the chance to (somewhat) correct things could be derailed (by splitting the voters wishing change thereby gifting those who don't want change advantage).

Seems to me we are all only trying to express ourselves here, as is our privelege as free speaking citizens; and I find no fault in anyone's contributions here (other than my inability to agree with all of them).

Stop it. Your making me cry.

This is why Putin always wins the election

No, that's not why Putin wins his elections.

Man up dude.

Good Morning, I take all is well to day Mr. Joseph :)

Little woman enchanted and all that stuff.

I have not heard from Mr. Adams: Breaks my heart it does. :(

Russia left Afghanistan years ago; Rambo made sure of that. They will leave again when services are no longer requested or needed.

War bolsters MODERN ECONOMIES. We bolstered ours. Now they can bolster theirs.

Improves weapon systems. We get to exercise and so do they!

The rest of the world sits quietly by evaluates their position in the melee and pray they do not disagree with either of us :)

I guess we must continue on without Mr. Adams. :(

May I ask what change you desire Mr. Joseph?

Change Eminent Domain?

Change the elected officials?

Change oil/gas companies internal policies and practices negotiating gas/oil leases and royalties?

Change how oil/gas companies interpret laws governing implementation of business practices?

Change law so our oil/gas lease will be canceled and rewritten to greater benefit us personally?

Change law to better enforce current oil/gas industry laws?

Change the laws of supply and demand?

Change how laws are set forth for our nation to operate?

A word of caution Mr. Joseph. If ya create to much of a scuffle oil/gas companies will not do business with ya. Your neighbors will profit handsomely, at unacceptable terms to you, as you watch through the window of regret. This goes for Mr. Adams, I and any others not happy with their performance. A few disgruntled property owners isn't even an after thought to energy companies; play ball or get off the field; let a cooperating property owner have a chance. :(

Law is controlled in great part by lobbyist with unlimited supply of persuasion cash? A concept Mr. Trump thoroughly understands, has the cash to play ball, while Mr. Adams IS STILL STRUGGLING WITH THE CONCEPT and riding a gas saving scooter. :) Not my rules Mr. Joseph. If you persist in your quest you must first rid so called corruption from our government or play by it's rules! Again of which Mr. Trump has a firm grasp and understanding. Every day our government is faced with many requests to perform lets say a favor? :) That does not mean it has any intention of complying. Any one of these thousands of requests can be taken out of context by research/documentation thumpers and spread all over social networks. Apparently our system works? For in Mr. Adams' dissertation the request was brought to light but failed public support. I am sure Mr. Trump cried for days over a never to be Limo parking lot.

As you can see supply and demand has caused much of the Marcellus and other oil/gas fields to sharply curtail production and slash budget. This pull back will allow uncompleted pipelines and gas export terminals under construction to catch up. We have the product; we do not have the infrastructure to transport it to let's say EUROPE or other parts of the world? I am sure Russia's economy feels some kind of pressure also. This pullback in itself does not yield the desired results. I am sure you also know every time a M. E. producing nation accidentally emits gas; oil and gas prices go up. We have accepted and been ridiculed by the world for our involvement in the M. E. It is Russia's turn to accept its share. :) What better way to temporarily raise oil/gas prices than to agree on Russia's need to impress it's satellite states with a show of military research? :) It's always good to do a little sword rattling. Gives admirers something to think about and others something to research, document and cry about. :)

As a closing thought for ya Mr. Joseph, we in the Marcellus are not even a handful compared to the rest of the countries population. Lol, ya really think organization can be done to influence the vote so we may elect an official of our groups choice? “Chucklin” if anything most will vote for a candidate to hinder our efforts. Most do not care if we own property with oil/gas reserves. Most are jealous and will do anything to keep ya from making a profit Mr. Joseph. Great efforts and incentives have been given to stimulate domestic production. Try not to get so influential as to stifle the United States Governments efforts. :)

Forget me notts are very nice flowers; unless you are one :)

Have a nice day Mr. Joseph-Ohio :)


Where have you been for the last few years to not know what I've been discussing as IMHO needing attention / revision ? ?

Somewhere else I guess or perhaps just ignoring what I've been posting about / replying to ? ?

Oh well, let's take your list and try to work through it for a fresh start :

You inquire :

1) Change Eminent Domain ?

I realize land ownership is not inviolate in Ohio and that government can seize it 'for the public good' if it deems necessary. However in the event of such a seizure the government is obligated to pay the landowner 'fair market value' for the seized property.  What is / who determines 'fair market value' for the property seized and what percentage of that amount is for the mineral interest (especially when larger acreage parcels are involved and fall within the various oil and / or natural gas 'play' geography ? ?  All of that screams to me for definition.

2)  Change the elected officials ?

Most definitely yes and search for officials to elect that are Pro Rights Of Private Ownership.

3) Change oil/gas companies internal policies and practices negotiating gas/oil leases and royalties?

Yes, but impossible.

4) Change how oil/gas companies interpret laws governing implementation of business practices?

Yes, but impossible.

5) Change law so our oil/gas lease will be canceled and rewritten to greater benefit us personally?

Legislate and Execute into Law a Standardized Minimum Lease Agreement considering the modern long bore horizontal wells and with / including protections safeguarding against landowner abuses and respecting rights of private ownership.

Take the following link to another discussion pertaining to some ideas that I think ought to be implemented :

6) Change law to better enforce current oil/gas industry laws?

What would that be ? ?  New laws that say that all parties are bound by law to follow and enforce laws ? ? All that I think necessary would be to enforce laws fairly with respect to the rights of all disputing parties.

7) Change the laws of supply and demand?

Theoretically impossible but the laws of supply and demand many times are manipulated by those so empowered (witness the current S. A. / O. P. E. C. induced oil glut).

8) Change how laws are set forth for our nation to operate?

Special interest money / lobbies out - integrity and Rights Of Private Ownership in and protected.

Regarding land  / mineral owners being an impotent  minority.................the only thing I can say is that I hope the tables turn on an empowered elected / appointed official or two or more and see how they react to taking a beating.  I think stranger things have happened in the past.

How's that for a start here ?

All as always JMHOs

P.S. : BTW, your reply seems a bit tainted / cautioning / threatening to me (citing the part about (and paraphrasing here) careful or the oil and gas companies won't do business with you Joseph-Ohio).  

Among other things there are the last few phrases causing me to raise my brow : 'Most are jealous and will do anything to keep ya from making a profit Mr. Joseph. Great efforts and incentives have been given to stimulate domestic production. Try not to get so influential as to stifle the United States Governments efforts. :)'.

Those parts of your reply (especially) raise yellow flags of concern and cause me to inquire if perhaps you are also a 'landman' as well as also being a 'landowner' ? ?

But me as influential ? ?

Man, are you ever barking up the wrong tree there on that ! !

Ha ! !

Can't be certain about your interest in all of this as your profile page is set to 'private'.  

So......are you perhaps a landman / gas professional / lawyer / something like that as well as a landowner ? ?

Care to share ? ? 

What's up with all that ? ?  

Should I be concerned ? ?

Am I picking up negative vibes here or just 'playful banter' ? ?  

:) or :(        ? ? ?

OK....  here is why Putin is bombing the OIL fields...

Iran is due to start selling THEIR oil....

Russia wants to sell THEIR oil .. and gas.... to Europe..and China...

If they BOMB the Iraq and Syria OIL FIELDS..... Russia and Iran benefit....!!!!

simple enough.. to see what they are doing.... Russia is doing IRANS  bidding..

Without the ISIS "problem" ?  ...

Iran could not BOMB Iraq.. .and get away with it...

but NOW  RUSSIA can do it for them... that's.. what it is all about... .simple to see.....

TURKEY.. stuck their nose in the OIL buying tho...

and made a mistake downing the

Russian Jet.. now Russia has the upper hand... with Turkey....

TURKEY WILL ONLY BUY RUSSIAN OIL... from here on out    :)

Soon as Russia gets done wiping out the Oil Fields that they want done....

All will be quiet again....

Watch for OIL to slowly climb to around $50 right after Christmas.....


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