An add that runs on this site asks the reader to rate Obama; I added the HilLIARy part.

So, has Barak Obama, as President, helped or hindered oil and gas development in the U.S. and helped or hindered a path to energy independence for our country?

Will, if elected President, HilLIARy Clinton help or hinder oil and gas development in the U.S.; and will she promote energy independence for our country?

Please feel free to explain your answers.

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The media is aware that Trump is not a politician. So the members of the media intentional set him up with gotcha questions.

First; him not being a politician is why many support him and will continue to support him.

Further, if he is the nominee he will wipe the electoral floor with HilLIARy because he is not an insider politician and she is.

Finally, the nominee will be Cruz or Trump. All this talk of changing the rules is just that, talk.

The delegated of Trump and Cruz should be the majority on the rules committee. Neither candidate wants a rule change that would allow Kasich or an unknown to be the nominee.

If between 10-30% of federal spending is either wasted, lost to fraud or graft, we are talking about $380 billion - $1.14 trillion in 2015 alone! I call waste, fraud and graft corruption taxes because they are intentional and benefit members of the ESTABLISHMENT, and that is why they are fighting Trump so hard. Trump isn't afraid to cancel unwanted military programs, close redundant bases, make folks work for their unemployment comp, deport those here illegally, and enforce our laws as written. Why would anyone want to continue down the same path we are now on?


People such as HilLIARy not only want to keep going down the same path, she wants to increase (all) our taxes and widen and lengthen that path. She and other politicians use the excess funds to buy off voters in their districts/states with worthless projects.

Vote for me and I'll give you something.

Can you imagine how this country could move forward, economically if the people in DC would take the wasted funds and put it towards useful projects like natural gas pipelines?


Most catastrophic of all would be Bernie!


If Sanders wins we will all feel the "Bern" and we won't enjoy it.

Whether it's the Bern or HilLIARy look for your electric bills to triple (at least)

Well . . . . he just beat her in Wisconsin!

People need to remember:  The establishment crosses party lines!  This is why you hear some establishment Republicans announcing they would prefer Hillary to Trump or Cruz.  Hillary is establishment.

The establishment is VERY powerful . . well beyond the ken of the average American.  And the establishment will stop at absolutely nothing to hang onto its power.  No lie, no ruse, no threat is outside their bag of tricks when it comes to deluding American voters.  And do not forget, the mainstream media is a fully vested member of the establishment.  They will slant news to achieve the voting outcome they seek.  It happens literally every day.  

Frank this is the definition I have passed onto both CNN and Fox for their pundits that appear baffled on-air when discussing the establishment. The "establishment" consists of republicans, democrats and media that together monopolize the buying and selling of influence in and around the government of the U.S., at taxpayer's expense. The establishment works exclusively for the benefit of special interests having paid them to play, to the detriment of common citizens that have been disenfranchised as a result.

Hats off to Frank and RJMB, you clearly understand matters at a level most people can't.

Obama has stayed OUT of it. Be grateful

We have no idea what point you are trying to make, but if it is some congratulation to Obama for anything that he helped to occur that is a positive, you will find very little well wishing.


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