I was just curious what the worst case and best case scenario would be if Clinton wins the white house? What a night mare that would be.... Please everybody get out and vote and campaign hard for whoever the conservative candidate might be. Any body but that old woman Clinton! She's a tired old bitty.... If she gets in there it will be the end of our country as we know it....

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Pardon my interruption but, I'll add a comment.

Natural Gas conversion is the only answer that makes sense right now the way I see it.

Coal Gasification if economics permit (but I don't think they do or ever will).

It just don't look all that good for coal other than iron and steel.

Maybe iron and steel can merge into the power generation business and get more use out of the coal they use ?


You are incorrect about the intentions of HilLIARy and the President. Their real goal is to make energy expensive and to control it. If they were truly interested in the conversion from coal or cleaning up coal they would have supplied subsidies for those reasons. Instead they throw billions of dollars (taxpayer dollars) at solar, wind etc. companies. Most of these companies have failed or are unprofitable and produce inferior products.

The plan for cleaner air has already begun and market forces, not overbearing regulations are the reason.

The conversion (voluntary) to abundant, inexpensive, clean natural gas has resulted in a 20% drop in emissions nationwide. Ths conversion was voluntary because it was more economical to use natural gas.

The President and HilLIARy want to kill the industry that produces the cleanest most efficient fuel we have, natural gas.

Exactly right.

Spot on.

  Noble County, Thanks for your feed back... But you are wrong about the POTUS and Hilliary.... The first step to cleaner air is to get that stinking democrat out of the white house.... Climate change is not caused by the use of fossil fuels. Climate change is happening because of the solar cycles that have been affecting our planet since creation. The president may or may not believe it's caused by fossil fuels but he lies to further the liberal agenda. He let's our enemies shit on us and he takes away our good paying jobs in the fossil fuel industries, (Coal, oil, and gas) and tries to replace them with minimum wage jobs. He refuses to o.k. the Keystone XL pipeline that would create high paying jobs and make us less dependent on foreign oil. He lit up the white house with the gay rain bow colors and refused to light it up with the red, white, and blue on Independence Day. I could go on. He is a failed and  feckless POTUS and Hilliary will be just as bad or worse if elected. Yes, I use name calling and insults to express my opinion and disappointment in our leaders because I feel insulted by the policies they have adopted. That is my right under the constitution.... Freedom of speech... All that said... Have a nice day.. :)

You don't think carbon emissions are affecting the planet?

You do realize that what is going through the Keystone pipeline is from another country...?

You keep using very vague statements like "liberal agenda".
What the hell are you talking about? State facts, not crappy catch phrases you keep hearing on Fox.

NCLO, Maybe you ought to reword the above comments. They appear to be from a Democrat In sheep's clothing. Also they appear snobbish as what is going thru the Keystone is from North America.

Canada - a worthy, vetted ally is who we want as a business partner in Oil & Gas production / sales/ marketing - as opposed to the OPEC group, including SA, Iran, Iraq, Russia, China or any authoritarian / Communist / Socialist  State / Country hostile / even potentially hostile to our country (including those to our South and in our hemisphere).

A no-brainer if you ask me.

Make deals with vetted allies not enemies / hostiles / potential hostiles.

Really don't even want to think about having our own Natural Resources used against us.  

How dumb to common sense to do so would it be ?

I say pretty damn dumb - actually not many things more dumb the way I see it.

Noble County, yes I know carbon emissions do cause air pollution but they are not responsible for climate change. By liberal agenda I mean, abortion on demand, gay marriage, forcing people to go against their religious beliefs, war on fossil fuels, bad trade deals, the deal with Iran, limit on gun rights, open southern border, sanctuary cities, letting 1000s of mid-east refugees into our country unvetted... big government, wasteful spending and I could go on and on,  these are just a few of the despicable things that the liberal democrats stand for and support. I for one do not agree with any of the above. If you do, you have every right to, but ask your self why in the world would you? All of the above weaken us as "one nation under God". And by the way, yes I am a big F.N.C. fan... It is the most watched news channel in our country for some reason. Maybe because they report on things the liberal news channels don't want you to know about. And that's all I've got to say about that....:)


No, carbon emissions are not having a "significant" effect on our planet.

I assume that you are referring to man made global warming due to our use of fossil fuel. That is a myth which has never been proven or substantiated. The reason for it never having been proven or substantiated is because it's based on lies.

The fact is (which you claim you want) is that the natural cyclical cycles of warming and cooling of the planet along with increased solar activity are the prime factors for the warming of the planet.

BTW did you know there has not been an increase in global temperatures since 1997?

Did you also know that the greatest use of fossil fuels was during the period coinciding with WWII? Yet during that time period there is no record of any increase of global temperatures.

Kind blows your global warming nonsense to hell, doesn't it?

You leftist environmentalist Trolls are such frauds.

BTW - the use by lance of the term "liberal agenda" is spot on. It is you who provide no facts to your statements. You are a leftist Troll and only spout rhetoric aligned with the "liberal" anti-American agenda which we are constantly bombarded with daily from the likes of Barak Hussein Obama, HilLIARy, and the "Bern". Who do plan to vote for?

Thank You Barry D. Wish there were more Americans who can see the truth behind the lies of the leftist liberals who are seeking to divide our great nation and turn it into a European like "welfare state"... it will be a sad day in America if another liberal is elected POTUS.  

Dummycrats will not take the white house, or is it the black house now, this fall. Trump will uncover every piece of dirt imaginable to destroy any chance that witch had.....just like her blatant lie to the unemployed coal miner....good luck dodging that one...and if you thought you heard enough about Benghazi just wait....she will be exposed for the liar she is


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