How are the surging natural gas prices affecting drilling this year, and what about going into 2022?  Are the gas companies taking advantage of these higher prices?  What`s next?

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Olympus Energy seems to have great plans for expansion in Northern Westmoreland & Eastern Allegheny County.  The Rte. 66 corridor seems to be their "core" area.  They seem to be growing both their company impact on this area & for expansion away from this area.  What is it like to be a landowner holding a lease with them?   Will they drill Utica wells in the future?

Went long another gasser on Monday ...

NFG reported recently .. Zero 'colour' on tioga utica results .... 

What does this mean?

Bank of America has gotten very bullish on gas 

Reports are filtering in , lots of info to wade thru

What do these reports reveal about the future of the gas industry?  How deep do investors go into these reports to learn detailed plans for growth or the potential for growth or the lack of plans for growth?

The futures curve is well above $3 for the next year , making gassers a compelling buy today ... The weather is the biggest factor . Winter 2022/23 has been a bust so far . Look for the LOWEST cost producers ..... AR , SWN , EQT , CHK are all worth a looksie ... EQT up 7% so far today ... $$$$ BOA has EQT going to $67 .. Good luck .... 

Seneca Resources seem to be very happy with their Utica drilling program & results albeit results appear to be lower then those Utica  wells drilled in Southwest PA.  No drilling issues seem to be reported. 

NFG has a very 'stable ' outlook ... Investors are not overly interested in outfits like this ... PA Tioga Utica still doesn't make me want to invest ... Maybe sometime in the future but it cannot compete with other parts of Appalachia . 

Bradford co. wells marcellus wells a high around 60million a day,Tioga Utica wells a high around 20 million a day.

Can NFG  Utica drilling costs and EUR 's compete with tier # 1 Marcellus ?  At this time Utica in PA , WV and Ohio cannot compete vs #1 Marcellus . 


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