Congrats to Chesapeake Energy for recently converting their 800th vehicle [out of a national fleet of 3,200] . The company will realize savings of $11,000,000.00 anually once the entire fleet is converted! They are taking the lead and this needs to be acknowledged...can you imagine if all O&G companies converted in the U.S.? How about our local, county, state, and federal governments...How about the Trucking Industry? How about each and every one of us Americans who drive each and every day? There is too much geopolitical turmoil in this world...we need to get off our dependency/addiction to OPEC oil yesterday! CUDOS TO CHESAPEAKE ENERGY! * The price of Oklahoma gas is $4.00 a gallon vs. 1.39 for CNG...and CNG is more efficient and burns 33% cleaner...WOW...the perfect trifecta...WAKE UP AMERICA...AND SMELL THE GAS!


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NOTE: EQT and GIANT EAGLE have their own CNG gas stations for their commercial fleets...cudos to them as well!
I could not agree more!!!! It's time to get OUR CNG out and move away from the dependency on other countries
Chesapeake has started. I think if people could see more of this America would be behind it. 33% cleaner!!!

Nat Gas Act to be up for vote in the next few months in Congress, one thing in it will be tax incentives for trucking companies to buy ng trucks.

Google T Boone Pickens see what he has to say, he also owns a few acres of Marcellus land in SW Penn and WV.

Ron, tax incentives for trucking companies is a huge part of the Nat Gas Act. I hope they vote and enact many incentives,not just for the trucking industry, but all industries! They need to put in place a National Energy Plan...long overdue! As far as T Boone Pickens is concerned, I have been following him for years...he had the vision for Nat Gas as a transportation fuel long before anyone else. Thanks for sharing!

MDS Energy has converted one of it's rigs to run partially on natural gas... looking into changing the other one as well.
what about a tax credit for everyday American who use American natural gas
I think the credits in the bill are designed for everyone.   Unfortuantely, there is not a lot of choices to buy a NG or CNG powered car.  And our "beloved" EPA has made it very difficult and expensive to get them converted unless you have a fleet and can spread the costs out.  But its a great idea!
Question: what is the gas industry doing to promote alternative energy sources for when the gas runs out?  Which it will very shortly ,  coupled with the fact that most of it is being sold overseas to places like China.  Burning gas produces more global warming methane than coal mining/.  Here in Dimock, my neighbors are having nosebleeds and headaches, and one man hospitalized, due to the rigs 200 ft from their door spewing toxic fumes.   Aside fromt he fact that Cabot poisoned their aquifer. But I guess that does not seem to matter to anyone on this site, it's just burn baby burn and drill baby drill and the people who live there be damned///By the time you wake up, it will be too late.

Carolyn, nothing personal, but are you awake yet??  First, why would the GAS INDUSTRY be doing something about alternatives?  Why wouldn't that be left to the ALTERNATIVE ENERGY industry companies??  Know what you do, and do it very well.  Don't diversify out into something new that you don't have any expertise in.


Second, where on earth do you get that "most of it is being sold overseas to places like China"???  Do you read news articles or do you just look at a headline and make some really wild conclusions??  Please name for me where natural gas produced in the US is currently being sold overseas??  Times up.  Did you find any?  You won't.


Still waiting for geologic PROOF that Cabot "poisoned" that aquifer.  I really think mother nature did that by providing fractures in the earth a long time before we were around.   

"what is the gas industry doing to promote alternative energy sources for when the gas runs out?- Right now natural gas is THE alternative energy source.


"Which it will very shortly...."  -- No it won't, check your 'facts'


".....the fact that most of it is being sold overseas to places like China" -- Complete falsehood


"due to the rigs 200 ft from their door spewing toxic fumes" --  So where are all the 'sick' drill site workers that spend 12 hour shifts on site then?


Nothing like making a mountain out of mole hill!!!!


how much land do you own, sounds to me like sour grapes on your part maybe  because you will not be getting any money ? Define very shortly in real numbers or years. Yes the rigs do make a mess but after the well is in the clean up looks very nice also the country is in a fix and the area in which we live is not doing so good either so the job thing is a pluss. Do you own a home or rent if you rent you do not pay taxes on a home what do you do for a living? I have cell towers on my land and when they were put up twenty some years ago all the talk was, will get cancer, my tv blew up, my dog died and so on. But twenty some years later no cancer no more tv's going bang, by the way cell people got the guy a new tv and every body lived happly ever after{do you have a cell phone} And as far as alternative energy sources these people are in the gas business right now. I think you have to much time on your hands and not enough real facts.


Agree with Carolynn, Methane is a potent greenhouse gas please read the following.
Council of scientific Society Presidents
Assessment of the Greenhouse Gas Foot print of Natural Gas from Shale Formations
Obtained by High-Volume,Slick-Water Hydraulic Fracturing
EPA confirms high Natural Gas leakage rates


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