I have been hearing of companys offering $12000, $13000 even $15000/ acre to buy mineral rights. So far I haven't been able to find out who is making these offers. If you've received an offer in this range could you please tell me who made it? Thanks.

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Seems to me that If it takes a low-ball lease offer to enlighten one to the greed in the world, then they may be the one who was picked while still green.  Your posts are far and away the most emotional here.  One does not need to know everything about someone to know something about them.

You are wrong.

This particular discussion is over for me.

Selling 200K royalties for 10K is stupid. Of course it is. We all know that. The point is......in some situations it may make sense to do so.......each individual has to decide that for themselves.


David,  I am  88 years old, with no family and few friends. I don't expect that they will drill my 100 acres for at least 5 more years (HBP). Why wouldn't I sell  for 15K/acre and enjoy my remaining years?

I know you are passionate on this issue.....and that is great.....but in this case....the seller

has to do what is best forthemselves....and that is not always the best deal that can potentially be made....it is like selling stuff at the pawn shop.......you do it because you have to.




God Bless you, Paul Martinelli !   Sell and ENJOY !!!!  

Your are right ,Paul....it is your choice to sell and everyone needs to make their own choice. If I were you I would do the same thing......enjoy your money.

Gesturing Hi

A tip of the hat to you, sir.

Love this, Dan Warner !  HA HA ....   Nancy LeNau

...however, being an American and a capitalist is.

This does not represent an excuse, as it is not originating with the 'evil' landmen that you and Mr. Lilly seem to think are the boogeyman.  This is a very good example of a rational reason for divesting oneself of their holdings.

I venture to say that there are other high-profit activities in this wonderful thing we call capatilism.  

Forbes, Inc.

Are you also proposing that we should eschew accountants?  I doubt that you nor Mr. Lilly avoid the dentist because you are jealous of their chosen profession. (Just in case you missed it, that was an inference that these flimsy rationales are borne out of envy for what is being portrayed as the landman's life of ease.)

Heck, by that logic, we should banish O&G altogether.  

That'd teach 'em. 

You sound a lot like the mortgage apologists who cropped up in the wake of the credit crisis.  "These banks were so cruel.  They gave these people money for a house, but the people couldn't afford it."

If you don't want to sign your name to it then don't.  But if you do you better be willing to own it.  The only part of your argument that has even the slightest bit of merit is the notion of preying on the elderly.  That practice--deplorable as it is--exists in pretty much every circle of business.  But it exists in small, marginalized minorities.  The majority of landowners who have signed some sort of contract did so under their own free will and if they failed to do due diligence then that is on them.  I know for people like you the concept of personal responsibility is dead but for some of us it still has meaning.

If you re-read my post a little more carefully, what I am defending is Mr. Martinelli's and everyone else's right to decide for themselves, based on objective input, without being brow-beaten by unsolicited and slanted points-of-view .

Landmen, similar to discussion group members, come in two flavors: sweet and sour.

If you or your confederate, Mr. Lilly, have any factual information to contribute, rather than xenophobic, prejudicial drivel and juvenile acronyms, I invite you to get up from the floor and present it. 

Great comment Ed. Please post it at the end of the thread and not as a reply, more folks will see it.


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