If fracking fluids are found to be the cause of the illnesses at LeRoy High School, would you change your position on fracking?


The symptoms the children at LeRoy High School in LeRoy New York are suffering from are very similar to the neurological symptoms shown in the movie "Split Estate".   The movie documents what citizens in Rocky Mountain States have been living with for years, primarily in the towns of Dish Texas and Denton Texas.

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As for these comment, I feel the same about you. 

A lot of these sorts of crazy ideas are debunked on this website:   http://anga.us/critical-issues


Ur first word "IF" gives it away. Its like asking, "If Howard was found to have HIV, would u enter into a relationship with Howard".?

I posed the question with an "IF" because it has not been determined what the cause of the symptoms is. 

Do you all see why I simply answered Howard no? A hypothetical world is where the activist lives. They hate to let that pesky thing called reality get in the way.

Come on Howard, 566 people are reading to hear your argument and facts.  This is your chance to increase your Occupy Youngstown membership from 10 to maybe 10.5.  This is show time and you have the mike, come on, don't blow it.  Your army of two is waiting for your leadership!

I hear crickets and its not even spring.

hahaha, howards army, a puzzle wrapped in an enigma.

thank you for your simple direct response.

Here we go but no those that supported the anti smoking movement just could not understand what you created!


As if government didn't stink enough! NY one of the original ANTI SMOKING  RADICAL STATES, No Fracking now no personal property rights as well all in the name of public health! 

No it would not change my opinion......Many schools received their property for free from the electic utility companies.....Anyone remember the extra low frequency (ELF) radiation scare?....Frac away, move the school if they're so concerned.

Question - where is the link to the story or clean up report that indicates what was spilled and how the kids were exposed?

How about this?

Are you prepared to stop and I mean stop using all fossil fuels ?   if the hypothesis in this story were proven to be true.

The problem is not the fuel it is us.  We are the ones that consume more energy than any other country and much of it is wasted and for luxury not need.  If it were not for using fossil fuels - there would be NO trees.  We would have burned them down.   Again - this is fact - because PA was clear cut at least 3 times.

Also - lets not forget the biggest consumes of this fuel are our large cities on the east coast.   Are we prepared to say no to oil, gas, and coal and start cutting down our forests to send them wood?

I like solar, wind, and ground source, but their use requires a lifestyle change. 

If we do not want natural gas - then lets turn the tap off to NY and the east coast and tell them to put wind mills off their coast and solar panels on the buildings and wish them luck .  

Guess were the wind turbines, solar panels etc would be built - that right in the desert, rural america, etc and not in the big city.  It always comes down to NIMBY.




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