Last night Mitt Romney stood with the Oil and Gas industry. When our president stated that the industry receives two billion in tax breaks, Romney pounced. His response was that this is a fraction of the 90 billion subsidy the green industry received. Romney further explained the expansion of domestic oil and gas production was private industry success and not as a result of the presidents policies. Everyone here has a clear choice in this election, it was on full display. Furthermore, Romney probably won the overall debate, much to my surprise. Sorry for the politics, but this election effects this industry in a big way.

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 I thought that was a highlight also,I'm starting to see those bird choppers popping up on mountain ridges all over the northern tier of PA.

I learned that they spray herbicides from helicopters to maintain the gas pipe easements. I wonder how often?
Oops. You meant wind. Haha. I agree, too many and not so great for bird migration.

The East Ohio/Dominion gas line runs right through my property.  From what I can remember of the last 53 years, no one sprayed anything from any vehicle to maintain the easement.  They do mow it every year though.

      Sorry to butt in, but have you ever seen the MSDS sheet for the herbicides they spray. There are no good herbicides and they should all be banned. I have worked in the plants that make these chemicals and there is nothing good about them. I`m not a tree hugher but there is always a problem with the electric trans lines that crosses approx; 2000ft of MY property and spraying. For them, the excuse is always OOPs sorry they  should not have done that. I always make it clear to them that my well is only 200 ft downstream from the lines and the small stream that feeds my well runs under the lines. Current facts at present, an EPA approved herbicide ( IMPRELIS) was used and was banned last year BY the EPA and DUPONT has set aside $225 million for damages with payouts expected to raise to $575 million. Payouts are being processed by a federal court in Philadelpia. My point is, people are being poisioned by the hebicides that are being dumped on our properties by untrained personel. Research has shown that people that live next to the ROW`s are prone to many health risks including Parkinson`s , birth defects, liver problems and a  host of others. Look at what happened in the 60`s with DDT and the health affects that it has had on our veterans---but hey it was OK ---it was approved by the people that made it. Please for your own health, check what is in some of these chemicals. Garlon 4 is a common one used-check some articles out about Glysophate and amino-cyclopyrachlor or even atrazene that  is going to, or is being used on a lot of corn and soy crops because they have become weed resistant. Some of these chemicals are cousins to DDT. And they wonder why so many children have Attention Disorders these days. Again sorry for the butt in, but people just needd to educate themselves on what is being sprayed instead of always just saying that it is EPA approved. 

For many years the power company stopped and asked if they could clear under the lines on our property.  I always have told them yes but no spraying.  They have cleared it once with equipment.  Now they sub-contracted the work and the new company started all over again asking every year "can we spray".

The ridiculous thing is the vegetation can be killed with nothing more than water in the form of steam, or of coarse by hand, jobs?

Very ironic the EPA can tell us deadly chemicals are safe to spray in and around our homes  but trace amounts used in fracing are questioned?

"The ridiculous thing is the vegetation can be killed with nothing more than water in the form of steam, or of coarse by hand, jobs?"

I missed the comma between the last two words, which made your proposal to maintain vegetation much more unorthodox.  

That does look bad looking at it now.  That would certainly bring a rise to the vocation of lineman.

They do spray the electric line ROWs, but I've not seen them spraying the local gas transmission ROWs. I'm not saying they don't do it somewhere, but not near me.

Maybe the spraying is limited to woodland areas.   I thought that crops can be planted and livestock kept on the easements.  

LW, IF you think about it, crops and or livestock on the easements would mean that the ROW is already clear of what they don't no spraying or anything would be needed.

I can also tell you that they have been using alot less spraying recently as they have started using a helicopter with the big saws hanging down from it to trim the trees. Kinda reminds me of one of the James Bond is a sight to see fer sure.

Yes, I agree.  I had heard that they spray to maintain, but it must be mostly for forested areas. 

I'd like to see that helicopter trimming trees!   


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