Just got our January and february check from Chesapeake, after not being paid for last month thought things would be a little better, uh uh, two months check from cheasapeake was $52, and they took out $383 for gathering, pretty soon I guess I'll be paying them to pump all the gas, they said that their producers rate went up, wish we would have never got involved with Chesapeake. Guess I'll have to join one of the class action lawsuits against them,, wish I lived at my place in pennsy, but I'm in jersey

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Supply and Demand. O&G companies' appropriately want to acquire leases for the least amount of money and with the lowest royalty percentage possible. If you owned the O&G company, this is what you would do. If you own stock in an O&G company, this is what you want them to do, and what they are obligated to do. Market conditions and the presence or absence of competition among O&G companies are what determine lease offers. It's all just economics 101. (I apologize for post because it is not relevant to the thread! We all make mistakes.)

JK, That is a nightmare.  I hope it ends soon.

JK, How many acres do you have in the unit?  Tx


We are not in a unit.

We own 1267 acres, fee-simple..

I'm not sure how that works but thanks for your response.

We own both surface and minerals totally.

We are independent.

i think he is wondering how it is that you are hbp since you arent in a unit jk.

so am i.


We are leased with CHK who is stringing us along with no further development.

We are down to 4 wells with 2 turned off for now and even those wells are on timers to run a few hours a day.

Our lease is without deductions and that's the only good part.

They refuse to drill the Marcellus until who knows when.


you are hbp with shallow wells? are you the only one collecting royalties on those shallow wells?


Our wells are in the Oriskany and are below the Marcellus to depths of 8000'. CHK refraced them 4 years ago and went much deeper.

2 family members and I own 2/3rds, a cousin owns 1/3rd.



oh, so your getting royalties from a non Marcellus well.  Makes more sense to me know. 

I never did get involed with chesapeake...they bought shares in my unit..Then statred making deductions against royalties..When i signed with chief who was not taking deductions.How about that one.Crooks


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