Wishguard leasing in Northern Trumbull and Southern Ashtabula Counties...

A company called Wishguard has been leasing in Northern Trumbull and Southern Ashtabula counties over the past few weeks...signs posted on roads in many places announcing locations and times for lease signings (last one I know of was in Huntsburg, and I believe one will be in Gustavus soon...).  Their offer is 1600 an acre with 15% royalties, much lower than what ALOV has been promoting, but with ALOV giving so little updated info to those in their group some have already dropped out and signed with Wishguard, and others are considering doing the same.


I know already that Wishguard represented Gulfport Energy in SE Ohio leasing (secured leases for FAR less than what they are now!) and have checked out the Wishguard web page (no real info there...).  Just wondering if anyone knows who Wishguard is representing here in NE Ohio, or if they are just securing leases now to be flipped at a later date?

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Do you work for Wishgard?
hello and where do you figure belmont county fits in with the asessmant as far as ngl's,gas and oil . There must be some specific towns in the best positions to be at least drilled under.

Don't walk away!!   RUUUUUNNNNN Away! Wishgard represesents no one they are Flippers buying leases as cheap as they can & selling at a profit to whoever they did not represent Gulfport in SE ohio but did sell leases to gulfport at a large profit


Michael Lawrence above is with Wishgard & Pleasant view and they did not pay $1840 to landowners in Monroe they paid $1600 telling people thats as high as it will go and if you don't sign now you will risk getting nothing!! when other companies were already paying $3000 an acre! There lease is ok but there are a lot of better leases out there that are better for the landowner

There is a lot of info on this compaqny in ohio landowner & Belmont & guernsey couty forums


Just the facts Tom... why would anyone listen to you.  you have not created a pay plan or package, let alone a drill opportunity for anyone...  Do i sense a taste of jelousy... bottom line .. ask people who received a check if they are happy or not....  evidently you havnt...

do you want to know who is currently drilling...?



there are more coming

Mikey Lawrence wishgard,you hurt my feelings. I'm crying but I'm not a lying flipper. I refused to accept your lease didnt l. Must be getting harder to fleece people when people know your reputation

Hello Edward and rest of gang, wanted to update and confirm a little bit on Wishgard's activities in Geauga, Trumbull, and Ashtabula counties.

There's a fellow name of Adam Thomas representing Wishagard with an office in Eighty Four, PA according to his business card. Hes the one been posting the signs all over the area, with meeting dates and times posted.

I came by this affirmation of activity in our area when i went into Middlefield for Alpaca and cattle feed, stopped in to see a friend, Larry, at Middlefield Sign Co.. Adam was having Larry make up dozens, if not hundreds of signs. Which would lead me to think he is shaking out a pretty wide loop. Mr. Adam Thomas is really playing up the good ol boy, "im your neighbor looking out for you", bit all the way.

I told Larry a bit about this site as well as the ODNR website and showed him how to look up a well and such, so he can in turn help other businessfolk and farmers in the area. I reminded Larry that i am always willing to help out and talk a bit as well as share information, so he can pass on my number to any who have questions. 

I was struck by how little people really know about this shale play. To them its all generalizations based on the landmen and oil co's. that came around forty yr. ago and such, drilling Clinton wells in exchange for house gas. 

Larry has made just about every sign and lettered just about every truck in the tri-county area so he is in a position to help spread the word and i know he will.

I guess i just wanted to say to those who commited to ALOV or another land group to stay the course, keep the group together at least until they have a firm offer and a vote is called, then you must do what is right for you and your's. I really dont think you will miss out on a lease offer by waiting, this is a very young shale play. They have not even defined the true extent of this field with wells along a perimeter or even hit the hot spots yet. It's like Virgin Timber in the Utica, and your trees are only growing larger and more valuable every year. If you can hang in there financially, its only gonna get better for you as more wells are put into production and more of the bloodsuckers have been exposed for what they are, a good deal will come your way.

I urge you all to start talking with people you know and help them get educated on this play. It helps us all when you save one person from the leeches out there, feeding on the uninformed, and help them by showing them this site or offer to help them locate their lease at the county office or their well on the ODNR website.

Good Luck and God Bless

Here is some language i would be really concerned about.



section C- Notwithstanding article 5a and b Lessee may continue to utilize access roads, pipelines, or other surface use in effect at the time of termination described above, with Lessee deemed to hold such rights by surface easement so long as such use by Lessee shall continue Lessee's rights shall not prevent Lessor from re-leasing rights terminated as described above, so long as Lessee's retained surface rights are not disrupted.




There is alot of other language in this lease that is extremely troubling, and when i have more time I will post it on here so everyone can see the terms of this great lease that people on here are so adamately defending.


I have talked to many people in Carroll and Columbiana that had been taken to the bank with this lease and I think they would agree that 15 pages of Fluff and Driller friendly verbage DOES NOT constitute a beneficial lease to the landowner.


AR, This is really a modification of a "Pugh Clause" it's meaning twisted and re-twisted by yourself.

 Let's look at it in full context, What is Article 5a) and 5b) and how does it read? Who's lease are we discussing here? Are you still bashing the other guy, grow up, this is not the way to elevate yourself in the public's eye. What does A.R. stand for?

But lets think about this for a minute. If you as business entity, pay a trespass fee or pipline right of way, absorb the cost in material and labor to put in a lease-road and lay pipe. How long would you reasonably expect to be able to use said pipline or road? I would expect to have use of it as long as operations were ongoing where its use would be a benefit to me, to define my answer more evenly to both parties, for as long as there is production making its use needed.

This does not mean however, i would not expect, as a landowner, either a)royalty payments from the wells if entitled, or b) yearly trespass fees if not. But i guess you would have to negotiate this further, before you sign.

If this is ALOV's lease, as i defend it, i do not mean to imply it is the perfect lease. But it beats the snot out of any other lease i have yet to see. I had no hand in it's writing but i would give it serious consideration, along with its monetary offer, over any boilerplate lease offered by any company. And if your not part of a group and own less than the mineral rights to a full drilling unit of 640 acres, it's probably the best you can hope for. But again i tell everyone to do your own homework and do whats best for your situation.

I am not working in the O&G industry in any capacity, i am a landowner seeking a lease. Where is our moderator in all this shameless and argumentative self promotion by these landmen?

The pipeline ROW should have nothing to do with the oil and gas lease. That should be a separate lease contract entirely and the term of use of the ROW should have nothing to with the term of the lease. They should be separate transactionsan even if between the same parties.
You are correct Finnbear, i was speaking only of the correlation between the two types of agreement and my perspective from both as a landowner and a businessman, thanks for clearing that up.

Of Course Ar is another landman, Probably wish gard trying stir the dust to confuse the issues.

Here is his profile

What has been your experience in the Marcellus Shale?

I have many friends and associates that are landmen, and I interact with landowners on a daily basis.
Please post that whole lease so we can analyze it in its entirety. If you can't post it, get a copy of it to me via fax, US Mail, email, etc and I'll post it.


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