Received a "final offer" from Avalanche today for $400.00 per acre.  Wonder how many

people they plan to fool with that one.....

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Touchy. Yes, geography is a matter mostly of birth and circumstance.  When someone can show me what the porosity of the Utica is in Wayne county I'll adjust my feelings accordingly.  Until then I'll simply say that getting free money knowing that 60% of the land leased will never be drilled is not a bad deal.  Acting like 4000% increase in prices year to year is an insult is simply insane.

I have made the same observation . The site has certain requirements to participate . One is being courteous,then here to teach or learn from the various people who have either been educated through study,employment or a bad taste from a mistake that may have been made .The fact that many people regret leasing too cheaply is a sad situation because the companies that new the true facts kept then quiet until they could control enough of the situation that others have to  either join in or get passed by .Since we are all creatures of habit we don't like others to get ahead too far without getting our own piece of the pie. I hope those that were duped for one reason or another find a way to have peace of mind whether it be getting enough extra income to allow them to move away from the area they no longer enjoy or any other way they can find acceptable.And those that were fortunate to have the information given to them by those that were taken ,should find it in their hearts to be more compassionate and try to take away the sting rather than rubbing salt in the wound .I learned when I was young when I cast a stone at someone else ,it always seemed to come back to my own glass house and make me think before opening my mouth .It has always been a world where knowing the  facts that the land has good potential profit is not luck, it is an act of gods creation and evolution into various mineral gas or oil deposit . Just as a blacksmith takes an old piece of iron and turns it into a new one . We are now getting a chance to profit from the things we were given if we remain wise enough to add some extra protection into the mix so we don.t use it and lose it for our future .As far as being fortunate to not need this ,more than likely someone in the past had used this same land to profit in one way or another  long enough to make their fortune and hand it down or at the bare minimum used it to survive long enough to produce off springs to carry on their name and make their own way in life .This land can and will keep on giving if we are all wise enough to protect and develop the things it gives us in order for our children and their grandchildren will have the same luck, fortune or hard work it takes to keep on doing well .As I said before this is a time to be wise with our choices but to be happy for several of the larger landowners we have called farmers who have always worked hard to provide the rest of us the various parts of our daily diet.

This will let some of us pass down some part of this to our own so they can be happy that they were able to say I was fortunate enough not to need this . Best wishes to all that have been hurt and to those that have had the fortune to learn from these unfortunate others .Have a great day all

 Thank you very much ,I can see  from what you wrote  that you were bought up with a kind heart .

Owning land in an area that all of the sudden has huge potential for natural resource development. None of these people bought their land 80 years ago thinking "my kids will be able to get huge lease money in 2011 when they figure out how to tap the Utica".  It's luck.  You act like randomness is a bad thing.

I noticed that someone is getting ready to do some seimic testing along St. Rt. 250 from Mt. Eaton to Wooster.

Flags and geophones were visible along the entire route late last week.

Who was the company doing the work?
I am not sure as I did not see any trucks or anything with a company name on it.

Finnbear, on the side of the trucks are initials, TMC.

The same people involved with Avalanche Energy are the same people that came into our area under the name Cavalier Energy.They fooled a lot of people with a price of $100 per acre, 12 1/2 percent royalty and free gas. If you take the time to Google Cavalier Energy, you will find an article in our local newspaper, The Steubenville Herald Star, where a spokesperson for their company explained that they were here to help the small landowners get gas leases , as though we would be overlooked by the larger companies. Many of us that signed with them were unaware and uninformed in regards to the value of these leases. Marcellus shale was getting a lot of attention in West Virginia and Pennsylvania, but not Ohio at the time, and nobody had heard of Utica either. This all took place in May of 2010, and according to them, they were able to acquire 4500 acres in 9 days. This area has been hit hard in recent years by high unemployment due to the decline of our steel industry and the state of the economy in general. We were easy prey for these well informed professionals.
Not to be crass but why did you sign then?

 I was laid off ,and was talking to a few of the farmers in the area that had sighned. I went in to talk with them ,listened to their sales pitch ,and sighned. It was a very bad mistake not seeking the advice of a local attorney to have the terms of the lease explained better. I later found this website , and have been watchin things unfold ever since. 

 I live in Saltcreek twp.,and have also received offers from Avalanche, fortunately my neighbors and myself were well enough informed that we ignored the offers. I was informed that in Paint twp. the number of landowers coming to the bank in Mt. Eaton to have their lease offers by Avalanche signed and notarized was so large in number that the banker wanted to know what is going on. This offer was $250.00/acre,-12/1/2 % royalty.


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