Muskingum/Licking County OH


Muskingum/Licking County OH

With activity moving into Muskingum County and Licking County  it is time for we the effected by the Utica Shale Play to be better informed. As I live on the Muskingum/Licking county border is the reason for the combination. The group will be free to separate if someone in Licking County wants to run a separate county.  

Members: 58
Latest Activity: Dec 8, 2014

Discussion Forum


Started by James Vanderink. Last reply by James Vanderink Dec 8, 2014. 1 Reply

Some news out that way.Continue

Latest Utica Structure Map: HK 9/5/12 Presentation at Barclays Conference ...

Started by Utica Shale. Last reply by Utica Shale Nov 2, 2012. 5 Replies

This LINK references a map that is disasterous for ... Western half…Continue

O & G operations in photos

Started by Billy Park Whyde. Last reply by James Nov 1, 2012. 12 Replies

 Here you can post photos of what you might come across in the area. I'd kind of like to keep it limited to our area to prevent a overkill of photos. Jodi a member here is kind of a roving reporter,…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Steve Baldwin on March 16, 2012 at 1:41am

Billy, Feel free to give me a call  Steve Baldwin  740 454-2545

Comment by Jim Worthington on March 15, 2012 at 4:18pm

Thanks Billy.  I'll look around also and let you know if I find anything out.

Comment by Billy Park Whyde on March 15, 2012 at 1:07pm
Hi Jim I will check on it in the morning and let ya all know.
Comment by Jim Worthington on March 15, 2012 at 1:01pm

Anyone know anything on the Pro-Southeast Ohio Landowners Group that is represented by Micheli Baldwin Northrup LLP?  They have been advertising in the Times Recorder.

Comment by Billy Park Whyde on February 27, 2012 at 2:34am

 I went around the larger neighbor hood yesterday advising my neighbors about this website. When I asked them if they new about the oil situation most had heard about the meetings that have been held. Thats the good news the bad was some have not attended.

 One thought it didn't concern them as they were under a lease. Rather surprised them when I told them they might not be to some extent. What do you mean I was asked. Well if you have say any acreage be it only 3 acres you might be involved. In this case it was a larger parcel of land. I said if your lease does not allow for unitization or pooling of your land and they need your land to make up a drilling unit they must come to you to modify the lease, that puts you in the drivers seat. They need your signature at that point to modify the lease where you can ask for bonus lease money, increased of protection in the lease even a higher percentage of royalty! Wow I didn't know that! Now they know.

 The other had a pond he was under a lease but the same applied to him plus he might be able to make a estimate here of $50,000 on a sale of water from the pond! Hmm he never thought of that. 

  That's the reason the website was created to educate. Nice thing is some land owners in here have became friends and are planning a nice get together as well.  Enjoy the site, be active ask a question or questions a lot of questions have been asked in the site with lots of answers provided as well. 

Comment by Billy Park Whyde on February 24, 2012 at 3:25am

 I sent out a request for a data map program that supposedly can locate leases that are active, leases about to expire, well info. I do not know if it would give lease ownership or how current the database is. It looks as though you could visualize land plots by color fill  upon the map by lease information.

 This could be a valuable tool in knowing what a O&G company has interest in as it might increase the value of a lease bonus.

  I believe the cost of this would be prohibitive as it looks as if it is a national data base so I asked if a limited by county access would be available. 

 Stay tuned. 

Comment by Billy Park Whyde on February 22, 2012 at 1:50am

Be great to get the word out George

Comment by George A Baughman on February 21, 2012 at 6:24pm

bill, thanks for attending all the meetings, neighbor im ready to rally the folks in our area to consolidate a group!

Comment by Billy Park Whyde on February 21, 2012 at 3:26am

$5000 Lease Bonus Paid to Guernsey County

This is from the "Closing Statement prepared by Krugliak, Wilkins, Griffiths & Dougherty Co., L.P.A ("KWGD") LegalCounsel for Landowner" page that we sign on 10/22/2011.

"EXPLANATION OF ATTORNEY FEE CALCULATION: Per your engagement letter, KWGD's attorney fees are calculated as follows: 5% X per acre signing bonus X Your Total Net Acres.  Gulfport Energy Corporation has agreed to pay all of your attorney fees."

If you look right below that statement you will see that they show your "Total Gross up Front Signing Bonus Payment from Gulfport Energy Corporation" as being $5,250 X the number of your total net acres.

You are responsible for the taxes on the gross signing bonus of $5,250 not the net $5,000.

Greetings Group 5 Members,  I bring news of hope.  I just got home from work at the Fedex terminal in Zanesville.  Awaiting Tuesday delivery are well over a hundred lease payments from Gulfport.  I imagine the overnight flights will bring some more.  For delivery to be complete, an adult must be present to sign for the letter.  We make three delivery attempts on three sucessive days.  If no one is home, we leave a delivery notice with instructions on what to do and/or where you can pick up the letter.


Comment by Billy Park Whyde on February 16, 2012 at 2:38pm
I went to the meeting tonight. My DSL went down at home and using a DROID phone to post this. Will post more upon the meeting tomorrow after they get the DSL up. Stay tuned. BILLY

Members (58)


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