January 2018 Blog Posts (64)

Tom Wolf: “Go Ahead Green” Here and “Drop Dead Red” There

Tom Wolf supports a DRBC fracking ban based on speculation, giving a “go ahead green” signal to SRBC landowners and a “drop dead red” to DRBC citizens.

I am a small business owner who has worked in the agricultural and silvicultural segments of the local economy for over 40 years. I reside in Preston Township, Wayne County, Pennsylvania.

My comments are primarily about our governor Tom Wolf. Governor Wolf is, as my friend Betty Sutliff, says, a “where”…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 31, 2018 at 6:09am — No Comments

Anti-Gas Environmentalists Simply Making Us Less Safe

Actions of some environmentalists relating to natural gas are making our world, and our children’s world, less safe, less secure and less environmentally friendly.

Ten years after the start of the shale revolution, the United States reached the height of absurdity. A tanker named the Gaselys docked in Boston Harbor this weekend carrying natural gas. New England needs this gas because it refuses to allow the buildout of our interstate natural gas pipeline…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 31, 2018 at 2:24am — No Comments

As to Climate Change, “It’s the Science Stupid, Not the Ideology”

Scientist George Ahearn says if you’re serious on climate change, stop the name-calling and accept that the best way to reduce emissions is with natural gas.

As most of you who have read my articles in this space know, I am a skeptic about man-made climate change. I certainly believe that weather changes, which is a result of short term atmospheric conditions that are not caused by people. But to convince me that long term climate change is caused or can be…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 31, 2018 at 2:06am — No Comments

The Cold Truth About the New England Energy Bind

With the recent arctic blast New England is struggling for energy and are forced to import natural gas from other countries due to lack of infrastructure.

The arctic air that has frozen the northeastern U.S. over the first weeks of 2018 has prompted New Englanders to crank up the heat and New England’s utility companies to scramble for fuel.

This season’s …


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 30, 2018 at 9:23am — No Comments

Natural Gas Industry Helps Rescue Nicholson from Ice Jam

An ice jam buildup in Martins Creek could have proven disastrous for Nicholson, but thanks to the natural gas industry the crisis was diverted.

While a crew from SWN (Southwestern Energy) was breaking for lunch at Germana’s Pizzeria in Nicholson just before noon on Jan. 23, a potential disaster was unfolding in a relatively small stream nearby. Temperatures had risen…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 30, 2018 at 7:03am — No Comments

Welcome Along Our New Advertiser: Integrity Engineering, PLLC

Welcome Integrity Engineering, PLLC a New York professional engineering and consulting firm providing comprehensive services to the natural gas industry.

You’ll notice a new banner atop our posts as we welcome Integrity Engineering, PLCC as an advertiser. The firm proudly serves the “natural gas Industry from the well head to the burner tip,” as their website declares. Its focus…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 30, 2018 at 3:23am — No Comments

Message to Gas Industry: DRBC Hearings Were Missed Opportunity

Dan Markind says the natural gas industry missed a great opportunity to get the facts about fracking out to the uninformed at the DRBC hearings.

The Delaware River Basin Commission held public hearings last week on the proposed ban on hydraulic fracturing in the basin. On Thursday, the DRBC met near Philadelphia International Airport.

Public comment lasted three hours. Each speaker was allowed three minutes. Within the first half hour, a man named…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 30, 2018 at 3:05am — No Comments

Striking Back at Scandalous DRBC Fracking Ban: Mary Ann Llewellyn

The DRBC fracking ban reflects what has become a mini-dictatorship serving only the interests of downstream groups who have no use for us and want our land.

I believe the DRBC has already made a decision and is just going through the motions to satisfy the law. Let me say I also resent groups from the lower basin, the Riverkeeper and others who are already financially stable or expect to get no financial benefit from gas drilling telling us how to use…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 29, 2018 at 3:25am — No Comments

Shale Gas News – January 27, 2018

The Shale Gas News, heard every Saturday at 10 AM on 94.3 FM, 1510 AM and Sundays on YesFM, talked about Antero Resources, PennEast Pipeline, Mountain Valley Pipeline and much more last week.

The Shale Gas News has grown again; welcome Gem 104 as our FOURTH station! Gem 104 helps to solidify the Shale Gas News coverage in an important Marcellus region, PA’s northern tier. The Shale Gas News is now broadcasting in Bradford, Lackawanna, Lancaster, Lebanon,…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 29, 2018 at 3:11am — No Comments

20 Gigawatts of New Natural Gas Generated Electricity Coming in 2018

Today In Energy reports some 20 gigawatts of new natural gas generated electricity is being added in 2018, with almost a third being built in Pennsylvania.

The shale revolution continues! Rural economic development. Cheap energy for urban America. Clean air for places such as New York City. Reduced emissions of just about everything. New manufacturing jobs. New STEM jobs. New natural gas infrastructure for small towns. Opportunities everywhere. All of this is…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 29, 2018 at 2:45am — No Comments

Philadelphia Refinery Being Killed by Ridiculous Renewables Subsidies

Philadelphia Energy Solutions has filed for bankruptcy due to the costs of complying with a ridiculous Renewable Fuel Standard punishing virtually everyone.

Philadelphia Energy Solutions (PES) recently announced it is filing for bankruptcy. PES operates the largest oil-refining complex on the east…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 27, 2018 at 11:52pm — No Comments

Natural Gas NOW Picks of the Week - January 27, 2018

Natural Gas NOW readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy.

Here’s more material sent along by Natural Gas NOW readers; great stuff highlighting the power of natural gas and the absurdity of fractivism. Check out the links and other short bits below:…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 27, 2018 at 1:23am — No Comments

Power Grabbing DRBC’s Fracking Ban Is Way Too Much

Daniel Markind agrees with the need for regulations, but an outright DRBC fracking ban is way too much and may not even be legal.

Daniel Markind is a partner at Weir & Partners, LLP in Philadelphia. Mr. Markind has almost 30 years experience as a real estate and corporate transactional attorney. Over the last 10 years, Mr. Markind has developed a…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 26, 2018 at 9:55am — No Comments

Striking Back at Scandalous DRBC Fracking Ban: Inge Grafe-Kieklak

The DRBC fracking ban is based on speculation, while it ignores sound science within its very grasp, says Inge Grafe-Kieklak, a Sullivan County landowner.

I am a landowner in New York State and a member of the Upper Delaware River Basin Citizens (UDRBC) and the Joint Landowners Coalition of New York (JLCNY).

Let’s get back to basics and reason. In 1961, your Commission, the DRBC, was created to manage the water resources of the Delaware River Basin.…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 26, 2018 at 2:12am — No Comments

Tom Wolf Funds Natural Gas for the DRBC Region, But No Soup for Us

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf is throwing money at a natural gas project in the DRBC region but wants no one producing the stuff in the region. No soup for us!

The Pennsylvania legislature, in 2016, over the objections of Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf, voted to shift $24 million away from a boondoggle program called the Pennsylvania Alternative Energy Investment Act and …


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 26, 2018 at 1:48am — No Comments

API: Let’s Base DRBC Regulation of Hydraulic Fracturing on Sound Science

API’s Stephanie Meadows testifies at the DRBC hearing asking the DRBC to base their decisions on hydraulic fracturing on sound science not accusations.

Good evening DRBC Commissioners and Staff.

My name is Stephanie Meadows. I am a Manager in the Upstream Department of the American Petroleum Institute. I have been working on hydraulic fracturing issues for API since…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 25, 2018 at 7:24am — No Comments

Marcellus Shale Coalition Calls for Equal Justice for DRBC Landowners

Patrick Henderson, of the Marcellus Shale Coalition, stood up for DRBC landowner rights in his testimony this past Tuesday at the DRBC Hearing in Waymart.

Good afternoon, my name is Patrick Henderson and I serve as the Director of Regulatory Affairs for the Marcellus Shale Coalition (MSC).

The MSC was formed in 2008 and is comprised of nearly 200 producing, midstream,…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 25, 2018 at 6:23am — No Comments

Special Interest Groupies Practice Denial at DRBC Hearings

Special interest groupies practiced deceit at those DRBC hearings in Waymart on Tuesday while carefully pretending not to see the Blue Whale in the Delaware.

Supporters of an ill-conceived fracking ban who showed up at DRBC hearings in Waymart on Tuesday—the “special interest groupies,” as Fred Peckham so nicely described them—were churning out nonsense in all the usual ways but they were also doing something else. They were engaged in the cliched behavior of…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 25, 2018 at 4:44am — No Comments

Landowners Strike Back at Scandalous DRBC Fracking Ban: Steven Adams

This is the testimony of Steven Adams given at the January 23rd DRBC Hearing in Waymart on their proposed fracking ban. Let it speak for itself.

I am addressing this board to present the facts as I understand them.

Under the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, it states and I quote, “No person shall be . . . deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 24, 2018 at 10:28am — No Comments

Landowners Strike Back at Scandalous DRBC Fracking Ban: Peter Wynne

This is the testimony of Peter Wynne given at the January 23rd DRBC Hearing in Waymart on their proposed fracking ban. Let it speak for itself.

As most of you surely know, the Delaware River Basin Commission decided that natural gas wells fell within the commission’s regulatory purview all the way back in May of 2009. And a year later, the five commissions voted unanimously to hold off…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on January 24, 2018 at 10:10am — No Comments

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