The radical nuns from Lancaster County who have been playing fractivist while using natural gas filed a frivolous lawsuit that just got tossed out of court.
A group of Catholic nuns in Lancaster County called Adorers of the Blood of Christ have tried several strategies to derail the Williams Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline project. One of stunts they have pulled, in league with a radical Big Green group, is to …
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 30, 2017 at 11:56pm — No Comments
Keeping the fruit of one’s labor, that is property, is one of our natural rights. It is being taken by those who would steal that fruit for themselves.
Land is property, the fruit of one’s labor. It can only be held through constant labor, in fact, that will pay the taxes and maintain its economic value. Like all property, personal or otherwise, it is one of the natural rights of humans willing to put the labor into making it productive. If we cannot keep the…
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 30, 2017 at 1:48am — No Comments
The only compressor station along the PennEast pipeline has been approved by Kidder Township supervisors; moving this important project another giant step forward.
Progress is being made as the Kidder Township Board of Supervisors vote 5-0 to approve the land use permit for the only compressor station along the …
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 29, 2017 at 2:55am — No Comments
Opportunities follow natural gas development, whether its creating jobs, saving on energy costs or lowing emissions, it’s changing lives for the better.
The first time I heard of natural gas development I knew, by the excitement in the voice of the person telling me, this was going to do amazing things for our area. Little did I know then how much opportunity was about to be created. As natural gas leases were signed by landowners and farmers, you started to…
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 28, 2017 at 8:05am — No Comments
A new landowner group, UDRBC, has been formed to fight back against the DRBC and anyone else threatening the rights of Upper Delaware River Basin Citizens.
With the DRBC continuing to encroach upon property owner rights in the Delaware River Watershed, the need for a coalition spanning multiple counties and multiple states has never been greater. Members of the Upper Delaware River Basin Citizens (UDRBC) believe this; for the people who actually live and work…
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 28, 2017 at 1:22am — No Comments
The cowardly DRBC that wants us to imagine it’s fearful of what natural gas production might mean for the river basin is full of balderdash – it uses gas!
The resolution to consider some vague sort of ban on fracking in the Delaware River basin wasn’t the only one adopted by the DRBC on September 13, 2017. There was another and this one makes a mockery of everything proclaimed in the one everyone’s writing about.
The now infamous …
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 27, 2017 at 7:50am — No Comments
Vic Furman reports on the meeting last night in the Town of Fenton regarding the NG Advantage proposal. It went well. Could some minds have been changed?
Tonight was another night where two sides met in a forum opposing each others opinion on a proposed NG Advantage transfer station. Enrico (“Rico”) Biasetti, the CEO from NG Advantage, gave a great presentation to the audience,…
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 27, 2017 at 2:17am — No Comments
Air quality and greenhouse gas emissions have improved to 30-year lows. This is due to the increased use of natural gas and industry investment.
There is no doubt about it, the air we are breathing is cleaner than it has been in nearly thirty years. This is not because of government forced regulation or from the onslaught of environmentalists’ pressures, but rather, it is largely in thanks to natural gas.
The United States has been a leader in…
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 27, 2017 at 1:54am — No Comments
The Shale Gas News, heard every Saturday at 10 AM on 94.3 FM, 1510 AM and Sundays on YesFM, talked about the Atlantic Sunrise, FERC, Jordan Cove LNG terminal and much more last week.
The Shale Gas News has grown to THREE stations! We are now broadcasting with YesFM. YesFM will be airing the full 60 minute version of the program on Sunday mornings. YesFM broadcasts primarily in Sullivan and Bradford counties, with some ancillary coverage in neighboring…
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 26, 2017 at 3:01am — No Comments
Rep. Jonathan Fritz, a native of Wayne County, Pennsylvania has called foul on the members of the DRBC and their double-standards when it comes to fracking.
Pennsylvania House of Representatives member Jonathan Fritz, Republican from Wayne County, is one of the rising stars in the Pennsylvania House. MDN editor Jim Willis has met and spoken with Rep. Fritz twice.…
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 26, 2017 at 1:58am — No Comments
How is it the pa. gov are not taking care of this injustice and theft of royalties. Every one knows we are being ROBBED. Woodie Guthrie once said " SOME PEOPLE WILL ROB YOU WITH A SIX GUN, OTHERS WITH A FOUNTAIN PEN " This is so true the robbers. The gas and oil companies and now our leaders in government are not serving the citizens. They apparently know what's right and what is wrong, but are they being persuaded from outside forces. I believe they are. We can all guess what's the driving…
ContinueAdded by dave smith on September 26, 2017 at 1:54am — No Comments
New York can simply not grow without access to natural gas, nor can most areas. The FERC decision addresses this economic reality while others only posture.
With just three months to go, the movie industry is looking at one of its worst years in recent memory. Earlier this month, Jennifer Lawrence’s new release Mother was such a flop that famed critic Rex Reed called it the “worst movie of the century.” It appears that Hollywood is missing 2017’s…
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 26, 2017 at 1:22am — No Comments
I was contacted to run a 18 in above ground water line any ideas as to how much I should charge ? Thanks for any help or suggestions.
Added by Charles Corne on September 25, 2017 at 6:17am — No Comments
Grounded in Fact helps to dispel the deceitful actions which took place at DAPL protests and lies from anti-pipeline activists that led to a lawsuit.
The five claims that make up the foundation of last year’s Dakota Access pipeline protests are falsehoods. Not “that’s just their opinion” falsehoods; these claims are patently and demonstrably untrue. Yet they continue to thrive in the fertilizer-rich environment of the Internet.
The five fictitious pillars…
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 25, 2017 at 5:13am — No Comments
Natural gas locomotives, only on the horizon a few years ago are now a reality, with lowered costs and lower emissions, albeit without the smell of diesel.
My posts on that natural gas powered farm tractors and boats and…
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 25, 2017 at 2:04am — No Comments
Craig Stevens has been everywhere opposing gas drilling, fracking and pipelines, including the Constitution Pipeline, but when it’s his own property…
One of Craig Stevens’ most frequent remarks during his even more frequent appearances where he performs his fractivist schtick is “you probably know my name.” His notoriety is clearly a source of some pride but, let’s face it, it’s well-earned in a sense. Most of us involved in promoting natural gas development do know…
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 24, 2017 at 12:43am — No Comments
A recent Millennium Pipeline decision slamming New York DEC was a needed move by FERC to protect its Federal jurisdiction but Congress needs to act as well.
FERC issued a key and very welcome decision on September 15, 2017 when it held that the State of New York, by its passive aggressive…
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 23, 2017 at 2:42am — No Comments
States participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, are seeing their already high energy bills, go higher; far different from its intention.
The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a cap-and-trade program between nine northeastern and mid-Atlantic states, was recently extended. The states (Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine,…
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 22, 2017 at 2:13am — No Comments
Australia’s Renewable Energy Target is producing more renewable energy; however, their energy prices are now the most expensive in the world.
Since the dawn of the shale natural gas revolution, we have watched how quickly energy prices have fallen, how our carbon emissions have dropped, and how our own economy has grown. It has been amazing to watch new technological breakthroughs increase production and reduce operational costs.
Natural gas has, to put…
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 22, 2017 at 1:53am — No Comments
Bill Shaughnessy fights for what he learned from his Dad and Mom and the people of the Delaware against the DRBC tyrants and their land use power grab.
Its been seven years almost to the day that I was sitting with my dying father, his family at his side, going over the lease we had just received from Hess through an alliance of neighbors known as NWPOA (Northern Wayne Property Owners Alliance). It was not exactly a time of celebration, but my father took solace…
ContinueAdded by Thomas J Shepstone on September 21, 2017 at 5:45am — No Comments
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