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Advice needed for water line right of way

I was recently approached by CHK to put a water line through my property that would service a well on my property and others.  Anybody have any experience with water right of way agreements?

Added by Reggie Dunlop on May 5, 2012 at 4:27am — 3 Comments

Stupid Question... Seismic Testing (CGG Veritas)

The end of 2010 we signed with CGG Veritas for seismic testing... agreed to the $5.00 per acre, guy was in a hurry to get signatures blah, blah.. never heard from them again.. never received any money.


About a week ago some one called and said they were going to be doing surveying work in our area (neighbor also received the same call).. guy spoke so fast and was hung up before anyone could ask a question.

This morning I receive a call at work from my mom saying…


Added by Joy F. on May 2, 2012 at 5:24am — No Comments

How do you check if a well is online? How long does it take to get paid?

Just want to see if there is a site to show you when a well is producing and how much?

Added by crazyfarmer on May 1, 2012 at 5:14pm — 3 Comments

Water impoundment aka pond

Does anyone know how much a 4 acre pond is paid by the oil companies?

Added by John Smith on May 1, 2012 at 3:43pm — 1 Comment

Signing on to lease

I have property in Guernsey co. and would like to sign up to lease for fracking. So far I am having zero luck trying to find someone to talk about this, any suggestions. 

Added by Walt on April 23, 2012 at 3:16pm — 1 Comment

$1500/acre or $300/acre????

PetroEdge prospective lease ... I was told their signing offer was $1500/acre and when I asked about the rental payment if they don't drill - I was told the $1500/acre price was for five year lease (paid up)- so basically it's $300/acre per year for five years... is that standard?  I've ready so many things about being sure the rental payment is in the lease, in case they don't drill... maybe I just wasn't understanding what I was reading, I don't know.  But no where have I read that…


Added by Deborah Sherrod on April 19, 2012 at 6:44am — 2 Comments


Would like to make connection with drillers to Build Sites in Astabula, County. ODOT Certified We can build Roads

Added by M. Tim Easton on April 13, 2012 at 7:52am — No Comments

CNBC on Nat Gas Conversion

All day today CNBC is focusing on converting vehicles to run on nat gas.  Rick Sentelli is in Oklahoma at a company that does nat gas conversions.  They are working on a pick up truck, showing what needs to be done to make it bi-fuel.  By the end of the day, they will be driving around in the converted truck to show what it can do.

During one segment already aired, they said that if you fill up at home, you will pay an equivalent of 66 cents per gallon. Thats right.....66 cents per…


Added by Jim Litwinowicz on April 9, 2012 at 3:16am — 2 Comments

Basic questions about Shallow Well vs Deep Well issue

'Being new to the group, I have some learning to do.  I am selling my surface land and retaining all mineral rights. I want to allow the buyer to have rights for a gas well for his home use and to share half of the royalties if any from that well. I understand that the deep well/shale drilling production does not present gas useable for surface owner use. If that is correct, would limiting drilling to a shallow well level for his purposes affect my right to deep well gas leasing?  Also, if…


Added by William A Thorman Jr on April 5, 2012 at 11:50am — 3 Comments

Meetings Pertaining to Geauga County

Are there any meetings scheduled in April to provide information on oil and gas leases in Geauga County?

Added by Nate Craig on April 4, 2012 at 1:39pm — No Comments

Hollywood's New Anti-Fracking Film

FrackNation has learned that Matt Damon has co-written and is about to star in an anti-fracking Hollywood blockbuster.

Promised Land will be directed by Gus Van Sant and co-star John Krasinski, who plays Jim in NBC's The Office. This will be a huge movie with a big budget and a lot of promotion and advertising and sources tell us it will be portraying fracking in a very…


Added by Daniel T. Richards on April 4, 2012 at 9:01am — No Comments

PetroEdge Energy and prospective leases in Harrison County, WV

Does anyone have any experience with them? 

I live in Wisconsin and on March 2nd I was contacted by one of the company's representatives because they want to drill in the Sardis district of Harrison County, WV and apparently, I own a small portion of the mineral rights of one of the properties.

I received a copy of the proposed lease 2 weeks later and have concerns about it as well as the issue of past due property taxes I may owe.  I was told by the county assessor's office to…


Added by Deborah Sherrod on April 3, 2012 at 1:34pm — 4 Comments

The Gas Company Wants to Modify My Gas Lease to Increase the Maximum Unit Size: What Should I Do?

First and foremost, anytime a gas or pipeline company wants you to sign ANY document you must thoroughly understand the document and any and all consequences that may result upon execution of the document.  Unfortunately, I have seen landowners lose hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars where they blindly executed legal documents without fully understanding their leverage and options.  Please do not repeat these costly mistakes and make certain you understand the document…


Added by Douglas A. Clark, Esq. on April 3, 2012 at 9:00am — 7 Comments

Pro-Southeast Ohio Landowners Group Meeting Dates & Times

April 4, 2012  6 p.m.

Chandlersville Community Building

8775 Chandlersville Rd.

Chandlersville, Ohio


April 12, 2012  6 p.m.

Adamsville Elementary School

7950 Main St.

Adamsville, Ohio

Added by Steve Baldwin on April 2, 2012 at 10:16am — No Comments

What about taxes?

 I agreed to a lease with Gastar Exploration formineral rights that I fell heir to in Marshall County, WV .The bonus payment was for $1500 an acre which

seemed fair at the time. My problem is that I live in Ohio and I am not certain about where to pay taxes. I included the bonus as rental income in my Federal tax return on a schedule E form. Is there a state income tax in West Virginia that I should also be filing with and what other local government agencies am I indebted to and who…


Added by Pat Walsh on April 1, 2012 at 4:30am — No Comments

Fact Based Review of the Data for Dimock - One Well at a Time - No Spin Just Facts

For a parameter by parameter, fact based review of the data EPA Generated for Dimock - go to


At this point, I have completed the review of 4 samples.


Mr. Brian Oram

Document can not be copied in whole or part without the expressed written permission of Mr.…

Added by Brian Oram, PG on March 31, 2012 at 10:24am — No Comments

Has Interest in Jefferson County Deminished Since DPS Penn and Chesapeakr have most all under lease???

Today, much is being said about Wet and Dry Gas Drilling with an emphais on Utica Shale over Marcellus Shale.

Does anyone have information on whether Southern Jefferon County contains both Utica and Marcellas and/or wet vs dry gas. 

Most of the published excitement now seems to be in Belmont, Harrison and Caroll Counties. 

Does anyone hear anything about what DPS Penn and Chesapeake plan to do with their holdings in Southern Jefferson County, especially the Wells…


Added by JWE on March 27, 2012 at 7:42am — 2 Comments

FrackNation: The film that will tell the truth about fracking

My name is Daniel, and I'm the new media director for Ann and Phelim's upcoming film: FrackNation. I'm responsible for our social and digital media efforts like our Facebook page and Twitter account among others. 

If you haven't heard about FrackNation, I highly encourage you to visit our website or…


Added by Daniel T. Richards on March 25, 2012 at 7:30am — 2 Comments

Belmont County: Sandy Ridge area

Recently found this site.  Wondering if anyone has hears any news/gossip about Sandy Ridge regarding permits. 

Added by Dan Lease on March 16, 2012 at 3:16am — No Comments

Barnesville news related to Sandy Ridge Area

Anyone hear any news/gossip about Sandy Ridge plans for drilling?

Added by Dan Lease on March 16, 2012 at 2:38am — No Comments

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