To all concerned, 

 For all of those concerned, there will be a public meeting at the Kidron auction grounds in the Sprunger building at 7:00pm on Tuesday, September 13 regarding the oil and gas situation.

  This is reference to the non-profit Mohican group.

 Please attend for information that will help you make quality decisions for you, your family and your neighbors.  



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Did you attend the meeting last night in Kidron? I wanted to go but had to be out at the Fair (our kids are in 4H).


Jeff and Finnbear,

Are you going to the meeting tonight in Fairlawn?


What meeting?

Des (who is working with landowner groups in Monroe, Belmont, Guernsey, etc.) is holding the meeting.  I have talked with him previously and he is holding this meeting up here for a lot of us that own land in SE Ohio but live in this part of the state.  The meeting is in Fairlawn at the Holiday Inn 7:00pm.  I live in Wayne county as well and I will be going tonight and I wanted to meet some of you that live in this area and participate on this web forum. 


I wish Des would have let me know about this. I asked him a couple time to let me know when he got this meeting scheduled so I could get to this meeting but he never bothered to get back to me. I have to be out at the Wayne County Fair tonight but could have made different arrangements with a bit of notice. I have repeatedly asked Des to put me on his email list so I can stay in the loop.  I had to ask 3 times to get a copy of his lease. I'm just about through even trying to deal with him because he is either unorganized or doesn't care but I do want to keep my options open. I don't like to burn bridges behind me but this one I wonder if I'd even be willing to cross again.

I understand completely, Finnbear.  I have always felt comfortable speaking with Des and I think he is going to do well by the landowners.  However, I had requested to be notified of this meeting as well and actually found out about it from members on this forum.  I emailed Des asking about it and he did get back to me right away confirming the meeting.  He said I should have received an email on it initially from him but I never did.  I don't think he has his contact lists organized well and that does concern me.  How can he know how much acreage he has to negotiate with when he doesn't even have good contact information for those in the group?  If he does negotiate a good deal for the landowners then how will they even know since he doesn't seem to be able to make contact with them?!  I plan on getting some answers tonight!!  Like you I had plans for tonight (I coach soccer for my girls) but I made arrangements as this may be my only good chance to meet Des and get those questions answered.  Where are you at in Wayne County?  I'm in the Creston area.
Ok. If I get any beneficial information tonight, I will try to pass it along.

Jeremy & Finnbear,

Im sorry I did not get your message earlier. Yes, I did attend the meeting in Fairlawn tonight . Des' clarified some things. He did hand out copies of his Draft lease again, I picked up a copy of it if you would like to have it, Finnbear. You may want to verify your email address with him. The Kidron group for Wayne county seemed good, I liked how they are a non-profit group of farmers trying to help each other. Sounds like they have a huge land base. I am interested in going again to their next meeting, although i do not know when it is. They do not have a minimum acreage but they do have a small fee to sign on, to cover costs. They also said that they have an attorney involved to represent the group as a whole, and that he would be paid out of the bonus only.



I was there as well.  What was your take on the meeting and what county do you own property in?



Sorry I missed you at the meeting. I was happy to see that Des had a meeting up North for people that have property in the South. I appreciate how he has a Question & answer session at the end of each meeting. People really seemed attentive. There is still a few things (in general) that I am just a little uncomfortable with. Des seemed personable and patient with the attendees. We have property in Monroe County.



Did you ask any questions at the meeting?  Just trying to figure out if I knew who you were.  We came in just after the meeting started and sat in the front.  I have 195acres in Monroe and my father who attended has 58 acres in Guernsey.  I wanted to ask some questions but he kind of cut the questions off abruptly.  I did ask him some questions one on one after the meeting.  Most of what he told me I put on the main page on here for Monroe County.  Have you read my posts and the responses from other landowners?  If you have read those posts, what is your take on all this?


Yes, a couple questions. I was in the back, on the East side.  Yes he did close off the questions abruptly. I think he decides to do that when folks start talking amongst themselves. Yes I have read some of your posts. I am cautiously optimistic. I hope everything goes well,  across the board, for most everybody involved.



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