It doesn't appear that the PA DEP is nearly as good at providing current info on well status as the OH DEP. Can we do it ourselves? If we start a separate discussion on each well site in the county, and anyone with new info adds it to the discussion, we can maintain status. Who wants to start a discussion on a well site in their area?
thanks guys, my big concerns are making sure that they will not be coming on my property, and causing damage I guess i need to have a surface clause included, i feel that if a pipe line is going to happen that should be a whole seperate contract, and also does anyone know, from what i have read the utica produces not only gas but oil, are these seperated payments for royalties or is it wrapped all together, seems to me they should be different. are they only signing 5yr leases then renewing"maybe" or are they doing more or less years and has anyone got them to agree to the royaty paid before cost. also one more idea while im at it has anyone tried to negotiate royalty % rising each year being the fact that each year less is produced from each well, like say 17% 1st yr, 20% 2nd yr, 25% 3rd yr, 27%, 4th 30% 5th, this seems like logic to me but not sure they would go for that. thanks alot...
Brighton Twp, Jenkins well to be 15,034 feet? Must be an error, I don't see depths listed on any other permitted sites on this webpage.
Still, it's a very useful webpage and is quite up to date.
Allen, The 15,034 is most likely not a mistake. That is the total length including the horizontal. You can figure it will be around 9,000' deep and then go horizontal 6,000 or so.
To get a copy of the well platt that was filed with the drilling permit application you can go here:
and email katherineschmid, a link to her is towards the bottom of the page. You will need to research all pertinent #'s regarding permit number or well site number etc.
She replies with results pretty darn quick, usually the same day.
I always ask for any info they have on each well site.
The only 'glitch' doing this is the limitation of size or your and their email systems. If you are going to ask for alot of info, I usually only submit say 4-5 different wells at a time.
Hope this helps. Please post your results here if ya would.
Craig, what info do you have on the 4-5 wells at a time? Can you post them here or can you send the emails to whoever might be interested?
Lou, I've been super bz recently, sorry I didn't get to this earlier. I will try and post the plats I have someday soon.
Oh, btw I just picked up a batch of the bumper stickers that I'm going to start selling. If you haven't seen it you can on my user page here. It will cycle through my pictures, one of which is the Frack On! bumper sticker. I'll be posting info on how to order soon.
Craig, I got the Jenkins well plat this morning, At the present time Jenkins 8H will not do me any good, as planned it's going to be horizontally drilled almost 6,000' to the SE. The plat has an insert indicating multiple wellheads within a 20'x25' area. Maybe in the very near future CHK will apply for more permits- 2 weeks ago Mason Dixon got three more leases signed on small parcels within a 1/10 mile of my property.
Here ya go craig:
Thanks, that's one I won't have to ask for.
I've been too bz recently, but sometime I will try and upload the plats I have.
well plat neville road well good info- maybe im in maybe not -thanks allen -
hi guys spoke with mason dixon land man today for the first time just to let you guys know he says he will write up lease for me to see, says it will be for 2000.00 an acre and 17% royalty. he said no one in beaver county getting 3000.00 an acre unless you have lots of acreage. told him write it up ill review it and get back to him. seems low on bonus but will start there i guess.
signed with chk for 3000 +17.5% less then 5 acres
I signed 1 acre in Oct 2011 for $3,000 and 17.5%, South Beaver, just got accepted and paid. Granted there were 6 of us that worked together. Of course the real money in the future is going to be your royalties, but it could be as long or longer than the length of your primary lease.
I have heard recent talk, or whatever you want to call it, that CHK is going to be doing a crazy amount of drilling starting this year. By my account they have 12 sites either drilled, or permitted, or in the permitting process. I feel there will be around that many more come late summer. Of course that is my opinion, not based on facts, just by what they are doing.
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