ALOV and Northern Trumbull County- Updated Discussion to include BP Lessor's and Bonus money Payment's

Hello all!

 I have been doing a little research and speaking with friends and neighbors about forming a group to address the needs of those of us not yet represented by a landowners group.

This led me to call ALOV after hearing that they had accepted some acreage in Trumbull county.

I paid little attention to ALOV earlier as their website did not list Trumbull county as an area of interest, although the work they were doing was certainly of great interest to me.

 From what i gather there was a cut-off of June 30 for sign-up with ALOV, they extended that and also had a meeting at RD banks Chevy in Champion. This may not be news to some of you, but i had not come across the posting until after. The word i got from an individual at ALOV was that Chesapeake set a northern geographical cut-off in Trumbull county of St.Rt.88, again this may not be a newsworthy flash to some. Many landowners attended, more than expected according again to a source at ALOV, and signed up their acreage.

Now heres the news, ALOV has agreed to start a "Waiting List" of still more interested parties from areas north of St.Rt.88. If you call them with name, address and phone number they will put you on the list, and depending on level of interest, they may choose to represent us as a group in a similiar fashion, with the same or even better terms to Chesapeake, or another interested party.

So call up ALOV, their number is listed on their site , and ask to be included in their next go around. From where i stand why re-invent the wheel, they already have done the groundwork and have the attention of the industry on favorable terms, lets ask them to either start another "Pool" to include us, or come work with us to the same end.

If you have information to share, please join in the discussion, Thanks 

 Hello again to all my fellow Utica Shale Owners. I Just stopped in to ask if there were any who signed with BP from the ALOV Northern Trumbull county group, that resulted from these efforts, still around.

Has anyone had any conversations/correspondence from BP concerning title defects, or other issues that would delay payment or affect your lease, or gotten a check for Bonus money? 


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Hi Debby, Thanks for the update, sounds like we have the same mail carrier, lol, ours has enough difficulty just simply shutting the little door all the way, so we get wet, soggy mail or it likes to blow around. I hear it's due to temp. help they employ.

I can see no reason BP has broken the good faith by not paying as cleared from the county courthouse. In the past 90 days surely they have been able to get some land cleared, especially seeing that so much money went into putting so much of the records online or stored electronically, whatever the case may be.

It all comes down to the dollar, the longer they can hold onto what is now our money, the more they make from it. Those funds could do alot of good out on the farm, with it being so clear and dry right now. The more of it you can spend on qualified expenses, the less your tax burden should be. Well i guess we can do nothing less than keep faith we'll see it soon.

Hi James, I hear the same thing from the Orwell post office.  It's just very frustrating that I can't get a legitimate answer on how the darn thing is going to come, whether it be the good old U.S. post office or some other way.  Then I've been hearing the rumors that checks are being issued, but no one can seem to confirm it.  I was at the meeting at the Avalon when one of those lawyers assured a room full of us poor land owners that starting the first of July checks would be coming.  You can tell me that with all the money that was dumped into the county that their researchers don't have some of the work completed.  Right now I'd be happy to know that BP is keeping their word about some things.  They got $135 out of each of us to help complete this deal and all I'd like is some answers.  But I guess we just have to keep our fingers crossed that this isn't going to turn out like the mess that Chesapeake has created!  Maybe I'm just excited because this is the first good thing that's happened in this county for a LONG time!

My neighbors and I received a recorded copy of the Memorandum of Lease on May 23rd.  I don't know if that means the title has cleared or not. Did you guys get this too? Well happy waiting all!

I was told by a rep of BP named Randy Baxter that this copy was nothing but a copy of what BP filed at the county office, that it didn't mean anything and that everyone that signed a lease would get one.  He also told me that whoever told us that the payments would start going out July1 was lying to us and he was a complete and total a## to me on the phone.  All I'm trying to find out is how the checks are being sent and no one, not ALOV, not BP, not the attorneys, NO ONE will answer me.  It's just very frustrating to not be able to get straight up answers.

Wow, according to this article posted on the Trumbull forum, Mid-July:

"Bruce Abbuhl, program manager of BP operations in the area, updated the landowners on the exploration plan.

"I would expect in the coming months that you will be getting a call or a knock on your door asking to test your water," he said, noting testing is done to gather a baseline before drilling activity begins. 

As for the leading question on most attendees' minds, Abbuhl said checks will be going out in July. "

Thanks!  I missed that meeting because we were putting 700 bales of hay in the barn that night.  We can only hope and keep our fingers crossed :)

hoping someone could help me. my husband was gone for the past two years on active military there anyway to still get in on? and if so who should i start with

I would like everyone to know that I just received an email from Debra Bacon, who is the BP land manager for us, and she informed me that our bonus payments would be sent to us Fed Ex.  At least we don't have to worry about them getting lost in the mail!  No word about when they were going out, so I guess we just need to be patient for a little while longer.  Now if we would just get some rain :)

Hello Debby and all others, Thanks again for sharing the information. I will add that i made a call to BP's David Greenwood and got his voicemail, he was good enough to return my call and also stated that checks will be coming by Fedex and if anyone has any title defects they will be promptly notified of them and given the chance to correct the defect to remain under lease.

I also wish to thank the members of this site who are remaining constructive and respectful and sharing information.

Just a friendly tip, if you have questions and your not finding related content here in the top twenty discussions, go back to general discussions and in the bottom right where it gives a box for page number, go back to about page 200 and scan forward from there which will take you back to about this time last year. I know it's a little time consuming but some of the information is still very much applicable today and it would be more worthwhile than some of the current rants, no disrespect intended to the well intentioned member's.

I have been a member for about a year now and stop by from time to time, as i wait for my check, and am glad to help when i can. Best wishes to all in their quest for a good lease and great payday. 

Better than Christmas, you know what your getting but just not when. Congrats to everyone..

Debra Bacon told me the same thing.  Everytime I see I FedEx truck I get excited :)

After Debbys post Tuesday I have been calling the FedEx guy the ice cream man, I actually saw him slowing down tues afternoon and pulled in the neighbors. I waited for him to leave and he went the other way,(sigh) so now we wait. !


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