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I bet ya this action will make advocates out of sleeping landowner royalty individuals! 

"The company sent a letter over the weekend to landowners saying Lenape was shutting down its wells in Avon and that royalty checks and free gas provided under leases would cease. The company said the action was required under the town's moratorium and listed the town supervisor's home phone and street address for any questions."

I love it.

I wonder if the town supervisor has changed his phone number? 

  I heard in NJ a legislator is introducing a bill that would ban the importation and disposal of frack fluids. Now if I recall it right when 
Ohioans tried to say hey we don't want your waste here in Ohio the Courts said that Ohio had to except it as it was interstate commerce. So fair play!

  Hello Governor and Legislators I do believe it is time for Ohio that will risk the possible pollution caused by the need to supply the eastern states that can not supply there own natural gas due to their environmental worries a environmental impact fee on the export of natural gas and the hydrocarbon content to those states that import it. This environmental fee will be put into a contingency fund  25% of which will be for possible use in environmental mishaps while 75% will be used for the elimination of Ohio income tax to allow Ohioans to pay for their own mandated health care just in case  of air pollution  or other unknowns that anti frackers can come up with. 

They still need to heat their water with natural gas, nice cold showers. The real cold is not far off, two monthes from now. The other irony is that the town's maintenance department is retrofitting backup generators to run on ... PROPANE. Where do they think that comes from????

Love It!  It is sad that it has to come to this to make people understand what NOT drilling could mean.  And I love BPW's idea to charge the environmental fees so long as it is the communities not the gas companies that pay.

lynn that is my Idea a export environmental impact tax passed of to the consumer in those states!


Would be interesting to know what % of NYs antis are part-timers only there in summers?

New York

N     Y



Thank you for posting this, very interesting article.



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