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if this is the case why are these companies still investing millions of dollars if they know it is a bust?  why are the pipelines going full steam ahead?  why did chk just negotiate a settlement with the landowners in western pa?  why did they appy for permit to put a second well on our farm when the first well is not even producing?  why are they still doing water testing over the entire area?  why keep dumping money into this area if they have the inside scoop that this is going to be a bust?  i am no expert,  just does not sound right to me!  in our area in western pa they are spending millions...somebody explain!

Any idea as to what the settlement  with CHK and the Pa landowners was?

This article was disturbing to me on a few levels.  I partly took it as an "op-ed" to the love fest we got from the NBC networks last week, which is typical media behavior.  But, given the secrecy of the industry, we won't know until someone decides it's time for us to know.  I noticed a much more low key Aubrey McClendon last week on the CNBC interview.  I bet the board told him to "shut it" with all his banter to keep prices down.  Trying to keep an eye on the positives and the rest of the industry's actions rather than rumor and innuendo here, but it still made me a bit nervous.  

Seems to me that someone is just angry that they don't have any information. I guess we all know a little more than most. This article would have the opposite flavor if they were savy enough to dig deeper. Go Utica and Marcellus!

Sounds like an attempt to keep prices down, for leasing purposes. Watch that chesapeake.


I find it interesting that the author is focused trying to prove some conspiricy theory by picking and choosing only bits and pieces of stories and news articles that help him "create a story".

He talks about the Buell Well producing 9.5MMcfd,  then talks about the depressed natural gas market.   The author fails to mention that the Buel well had 1425 Bpd of natural gas liquids.

The author also fails to mention even better initial production numbers at some of the more recent wells.

What about Wagner Well with 1881 Bpd natural gas liquids(4650 BOE/day),  or Shugert Well with 2002 Bpd natural gas liquids, (4912 BOE/day).  Not to mention 14-20MMcfd of natural gas.

He then goes on to suggest somehow that Utica does not have wells that are near the quality of Eagle Ford.

A quick google on top producing eagle ford wells,  suggests that 3 wells just listed had better initial production than the top producing eagle ford wells at of August 3, 2012.   

August 3, 2012 - EOG drilled its best well to date.  The Boothe Unit #10H in Gozales County began initial production at 4,820 barrels of oil per day (Bopd), 972 bpd of natural gas liquids and 4.5 MMcfd of natural gas.  Article cited on this date "EOG's Boothe Unit #10H is clearly the top producing oil well in the entire Eagle Ford play to date"

I am not sure what alternate agenda the author of this article has,  but one thing is for sure,  Utica activity and interest is stronger than ever.

Dave I like your thinking.  Well said, no pun intended.  

 Good observation. The O&G co.s  may have slipped him some cash. They would like us landowners to believe  our oil & gas  isnt worth much to get the lease bonus payments down.Too bad the state of Ohio does'nt require them to supply a monthly production report by a third party! Right now, it's a yearly thing, and even then,they can say whatever cause no-one will be checking for the truth.

Excellent observation Bo! At what point do they put meters on these wells? It sounds like there is no audit. The neighborhood grocer has to have his scales checked by the auditors office but yet the state relies on self-reporting from the g&o industry? What's up with that?


   Recent O&G leases have Audit Rights clauses for lessors included in the lease language. These include penalty provisions if deficiencies are found. There are multiple ways royalty payments could be deficient dependent on individual lease language. Govt intervention to prevent these deficiencies likely would be futile.

  That being said, I believe the O&G's should report production more often than annually. The O&G's seem anxious to report good well drilling results to their shareholders. Doesn't seem too much to ask O&G's to report individual production numbers more often than annually.


OH MY GOSH!  The UTICA is a bust....I better sign and get anything I can before I get nothing!



HMMM,,,,,and all those $B of dollars are being spent on the processing plants based on a hunch/speculation that there is a slight chance that the UTICA is for real?


  Hear, hear.  I had the same reaction to the article. It didn't seem to be exhaustively researched; i.e., neglecting the best-producing wells. Maybe a media source looking for a little sensationalism. I felt it also was a back-handed appeal for better reporting data. The authors could also have noted the massive on-going investment in infrastructure.

   I concluded the authors sought to write a negative article, and cited "facts" that supported their position.



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