We are familiar with the value of minerals in our area (Guernsey County, Ohio) but what about when it comes to surface issues.  What is the going rate of having a pipeline run through your property?  I know they base a lot on footage, but they also give compensation for damages for timber, access roads, etc.  Any advice, pros or cons, much appreciated.

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For the gathering and transportation of gas, oil and associated constituents, or for transporting other substances, including water.

Ro, Do a search on the below title or author and read what David McMahon has to say on the topic. Do a search on my name, Ron Hale, on this website and take a look at past replies from me  on this topic.   Good Luck.    Ron


What Land/Surface Owners Should Know

When a Landman Shows Up

And Wants an Easement/Right of Way

To Put a Pipeline Across Your Land.

Prepared by David B. McMahon • Attorney at Law

Concentrating in Oil and Gas for Smaller Mineral Owners

1624 Kenwood Road, Charleston, WV 25314

Voice/VoiceMail 304-415-4288 • Fax 810-958-6143

E-mail: wvdavid@wvdavid.net

© May, 2010. David B. McMahon, J.D.

Contact the author for permission to distribute.



Attached is a listing of OH attorneys familiar with oil/gas; most are also schooled in ROW/pipeline issues.  If you are approached and are seriously considering ROW leasing, as many on this site have said:  "see an attorney." 

In negotiating, all of what Fang indicated should be considered.  Especially true if you live on the land or intend to utilize it in the future for yourself or family.  ROW reps are taught to low-ball everyone.  Mine came to the table at $15/linear foot.  I've heard some going rates are in the $35 - $50 range or more, depending upon company, location, urgency.  If you have lots of timber, include a clause for a certified timber person to access the current/future value and have the pipeline company pay for all fees associated with performing such survey.  Good luck.


In relation to the timber issue perhaps one should use a real timberman to cut the timber.  Have heard pipeliners damage much of it which nets the landowner a lower price when it is sold.  Just a thought.

Sorry...should've been more specific - I did mean a certified forester.  I've used the following guy several times as well as some other family members who have land in Jefferson County.  Stan does a lot of work in that area and has been doing timber over-sight for probably 30 years in that area.  Even though he lives in Columbus, he travels to all the counties in Jefferson, etc. counties there. I would trust him with my life...he is as honest and ethical as they come.

Stanley D. Swierz, Consulting Forester, Inc.

453 Blenheim Road
Columbus, OH 43214

Tel. 614.262.1501


im in Guernsey as well and was offered 25/ft and 13k for any other line going in up to 4. they want to go 1350 ft.  i dont know if that is good or not.  this happened on Fri. 

Thank you all for the great info!

I don't know if this will help but check out this story: http://www.farmanddairy.com/news/keep-your-eye-on-the-environment-w...

They are very urgent and we have lots of timber.


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