Has anyone heard of rare bats holding up the construction of pipelines in Tioga County PA?

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No. From what I've found, the Indiana Bat is the only federal endangered species that *might* be found in Tioga County. FERC, which regulates interstate pipelines, does require Endangered/Threatened species surveys, According to a 11/20/09 letter from ElPaso (300-line) to FERC:

"Indiana Bat – Phase II surveys were completed in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey. No Indiana
bats were captured in Pennsylvania; therefore no impact avoidance/mitigation measures are proposed."

Also this:

Northern Myotis / Silver-haired Bat – The Pennsylvania Game Commission (“PGC”) has requested a
seasonal clearing restriction on proposed Loop 315 in Tioga County between approximate milepost
9.3 to the terminus of the loop (approximate milepost 16.9). Clearing will only be conducted between
November 1, 2010 and March 31, 2011 in this area unless otherwise approved by the PGC."

This bat is a Candidate for listing in PA. And that's the usual work-around. The trees on the pipeline r-o-w may be cleared while the bats wouldn't be using them for roosting.

But afaik, it's not the absence of big pipelines that's holding things up in TC. It's the delay by gascos in doing the small gathering lines connecting the completed but shut-in wells.
thanks, we have been told that it is bats that is holding up the pipelines and of course wetlands. Sandy
If you are referring to local gathering lines - and were told that by a gasco representative rather than the PADEP - be skeptical. The local pipelines would probably require encroachment permits and erosion/sediment controls, but PADEP has wetlands mapped so it's usually a routine procedure. Now if a gascp violates a permit, then it does risk being fined and perhaps, having to stop work until the situation is corrected.

A landman did acknowledge to me that they were unprepared for the spring thaw here. They weren't aware that there is a period where it's not a good idea to use heavy equipment ... and learned the hard way.

In my area, they did a lot of single-well drilling during 2009 to hold leases that were near expiration. The well funded gascos aren't in a rush to get all that gas to market as long as the price stays low; it's a business decision Now they're starting to apply for permits for additional wells at those sites. My guess it that's when the gathering lines will go in.
Thanks for the reponse..I thought it was because East was sold to Shell. We were told that they were not going to be doing anything until Shell took over. There are a lof of wells in Jackson Twp and ours in Tioga twp waiting so we can be hooked up. Sandy
I don't live in Jackson myself, but the situation there is what I was referring to. Leases people had signed around 2005 in anticipation of drilling for Trenton Black River gas were close to running out. Priority for East was to get wells in so they wouldn't have to pay a Marcellus Shale bonus to release that land.
We were probably one of these guys. We were signed one year ahead of the $2000. bids, when that came about, we were told that we did not qualify. But, we have heard of some who were in the same situation as we were and they still got the $2000. Oh well that is how some things go. Sandy
I have heard that, because of dry weather, some drilling activity has been suspended. Is this true? Rattlesnakes have been mentioned as endangered species holding up drilling and pipelines. Also, many of East's older leases do not automatically allow pipeline right-of-ways across them as do ones signed a couple of years ago. East's offering per foot for right-of-way has been way too low as in all offerings from them. When East decides to re-write leases to a current market value and pay a fair rate for a right-of-way, they may be able to complete more gathering pipelines.
Thanks for the response. It seems we have been left hanging in the air with a lot of other people who live in the Jackson Twp are. We have the only well in Tioga twp. Sandy
I just wish that somewhere along the way these companies could get there acts together and say this is actually what is happening. There are a lot of people in this area who are just sitting waiting. It is not only our area, but in the whole county. Sandy


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