Who here has a lease that prohibits this?



As is proven time and time again in the courts and Pa legislature, if you dont expressly prohibit something it is assumed to be allowed... nice huh?

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I understand your concern, but the article referred to shales other than those that hold oil and natural gas.

To be sure that your property could not be used to dispose of spent radioactive material it is important that the lease contain some sort of non-disposal clause.

Low level radioactive material is part of our planet man.  It is as natural as uv exposure to sunlight.  Both can damage skin.  Watches, computers - Ipads - everything electronic has small pieces of something radioactive.  I am not an advocate for this - but educate yourself man! and do not use  google - there is a hard science behind most things.  There seems to be a lack of willingness of most folks to do real - hard research on things.  Google seems to be the answer to all things - easy -

MJ, you must not have read the article. It refers to "high level" radioactive material.

With all due respect Kathi,

I Respect your opinion and all others - when I post it is IMHO.

I do not pretend to be in the know or otherwise - I simply post what I know from a scientific background and what I believe as I see around me.  The article posts "high level radioactivity" without quantifying it - Bogus! Please do some real research on this "fracking" before drawing a lifelong conclusion.  Vertical "fracking has been going on for 40 years!  No one has complained about poisoned water.  I am not in the least worried about this new drilling technology.  Eagle ford - Bakken - Utica - Marcellus - others.  This is a boon to everyone involved.  Yes - O/G with all the cash is why they are here - but why deny the landowners their cut?  Lets dispel the BS about the damage to the water and the lighting of faucets.


I have a lease that prohibits disposal wells! Most of the leases that I see today do. The article (as others have correctly pointed out) is talking about NON ENERGY PRODUCING SHALE. Most of the shales in this area have hydrocarbons in them so the injection of radioactive waste would not be allowed.



Keith, not all shale under us are energy producing shales... thats a fact. Also, I could see Chesapeak saying that your non disposal clause referred to frac water, as no one foresaw radioactive waste being injected into these wells.. take it to court and since you didnt desrcibe exactly what you prohibit, it will be allowed... just like the other rulings about absent language in a lease have been ruled as permissive.

Also... people seem to forget that there are many thousands of acres in Pa with old leases that never addressed these issues because they used to just dump the waste on the ground or in rivers... no disposal wells were talked about.

On another note here's another use for our property that they will take advantage of since we never explicitly prohibit it. http://news.psu.edu/story/281335/2013/07/11/research/carbon-dioxide... and i dont see the word disposal used in this article as it was  mentioned in the article about radioactive waste but seems they like the word "Repository" ...  your lease prohibit repositories? just playing devils advocate here.. i can see the O&G companies selling us out for all kinds of stuff.. and if you dont think they would..... think again...... 

Definition of REPOSITORY

: a place, room, or container where something is deposited or stored : depository
: a side altar in a Roman Catholic church where the consecrated Host is reserved from Maundy Thursday until Good Friday
: one that contains or stores something nonmaterial<considered the book a repository of knowledge>
: a place or region richly supplied with a natural resource
: a person to whom something is confided or entrusted

Examples of REPOSITORY

  1. repository for nuclear waste
  2. He is the repository of many secrets.
  3. She is the repository of her family's history.

 I saw the CO2 storage coming. Storage language struck from lease along with no storage rights clause. I'm not against CO2 storage but want free access to that CO2 for enhanced production of old oil wells and want paid too. Don't want to give us anything extra so I like to return the favor.

 For any nuclear waste I would want that VERY deep if at all. Problem is FEDS will use eminent domain. 

The Pa supreme court said that the word "royalty" is to vague to be enforced as per the minimum 12.5 % law... so imagine what the word craftsmen can do to allow pretty much anything they want! Thanks for the info Tim! Seems you know what i am referring to...

..Rick,yes...the shape of things to come. Already unfolding in Pa.. with that one other bill that was signed two weeks ago. Politics and O&G companies rule!  All those well-manicured addendums, etc. we have will eventually be rendered powerless. Never say never.

Exactly my point Randall! You understand!... and its not just this... there will be many techniques and uses for our land and subsurface that they will want to exploit.. and with the attitudes of our elected officials and even many landowners, as can be seen here... they will give the green light to let them  take every advantage that may now seem implausable...


You sir are trying to stir the pot! I will not fall for your spreading of fear. 

My lease states that it is for oil and gas production. It is VERY clear that it DOES NOT GRANT any other rights. I have a very solid lease and it is with CHK.

There are very strict laws governing storage of Nuclear wastes in this country. I am not worried in the least that what you describe will happen around here.



Kieth... uh huh...


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