I would find a listing of ongoing suits against CHK to be of interest to me. I suspect that others may find suits against other companies of interest as well. Would it be possible/worthwhile to have such a listing on this site?


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True. when they go to court and lose, they just are told to pay what they would have had to pay anyway. The ones they get away with is stolen profits!. There needs to be a fine,or penalty involved if caught cheating. Need some judges with balls?


You suggested "How about a state by state past lawsuits against CHK?" and shared

"I have TX, SD, LA, NC, PA, and MI plus the Texas Lawyers that are putting together the largest lawsuit in the US and have their own website."

What an awesome thought, and could you share that website with us.?



What really is upsetting that most landowners had no idea what chk was about when this area was leased to middlemen and then turned a buck by re-leasing. We had no idea of chk reputation and the courts. I am hoping that ALL landowners will unite and file civil class action.


There is currently a $5 Billion  class action suit in the works addressing much of your/our concern. Sadly I don't have the website to refer you to, but perhaps one of our neighbors on this site will be able to do so for us.


McDonald Law Firm Of Texas is seeking out clients in the Haynesville, Barnett, and Bakken Shale. Their website was brought to my attention last week, but it somehow didn't make it to the most of the people on this site. See royaltyripoff.com link below.

If this gets out of hand CHK could be forced into bankruptcy. That would sadden all the governors of the corrupt states CHK is drilling in, all of them.



At this point I hope they go bankrupt if the dont  they won't ever learn and I mean right down to there lease holds  and ban any  employee that  has ever worked for them unless they  rat them out  now  ! SH   T  THEY HAVE TAKEN THERE NAMES OFF THERE TRUCKS AROUND HERE  I CANT BELIEVE THAT THERE ARE NOT SOME WHISTLE BLOWERS OUT THEIR THAT HAVE A CONCENSE.   There a cancer.  !   Cant are elected officials see  the damage that  they have have caused .   thousansds  of us. I hope the mcdonald lawfirm does what he said they where going to do to  chkp. And through aubrey under the bus with them , I personally want to see aubrey  pushing a hot dog cart  down the streets of America  we all need to get behind this law firm all of us in the U.S. good night my blood pressure is up hi enough  

Thanks for the URL Ron-interesting to be aware of.


So true Jesse,

Hopefully we can gather much of what we need without resorting to the Lexis-Nexis & Pacer sites just from the contributions of knowledge that our members may have. Possibly not, in which case the legal route and the referred to sites will have to be considered. Let's see what we can come up with on our own.


Jesse, your comments puzzle me. We can agree that the information we gather will be neither comprehensive nor fully objective, but by the same token of use and valuable to those to whom it applies along with others who may be seeing it for the first time.

We can also agree that the editorial comments accompanying some of the posting are interesting. To assume that the point of the listing in general is to 'agitate' we are not in agreement, although it may be an unfortunate side issue that distracts rather than informs.


in addition to listing all of the lawsuits against chk, I think that it'd be helpful and informative to separate the successful from the unsuccessful ones to get a better idea of how one would fair if contemplating such actions.

chk has lawyers on staff who get paid to deal with these suits. it's not like it costs them a whole lot extra when they get sued.


Agreed that there is a risk to the reader that may lead to false impressions. A point well taken. It would then be up to those of us who are reading carefully to be vigilant and to point out the misimpressions as best we can.


Nice point Jim.Perhaps as we get further along with this we'll be able to implement your suggestion.



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