Does anyone know what well was burning off north of Wellsboro last evening. It was very visible from 287 just north of Wellsboro and looked to be in the upper Niles Valley/Shortsville area. Thanks Just curious!
Do you know if it was a success?
If somebody could post a video, I'm sure it would be appreciated by everyone with an interest in that area. Seneca's well is a very significant test of the Utica's potential in Tioga County.
You should have seen and heard the Uticia Well flare at the Sharrett Well Pad awhile back.....!!!
Now Shell is applying for a Trenton Black River permit. IT is in the DEP pipeline (no pun intended)
Shell is now fishing in the Black River..........All of my gas can stay in the ground till the prices rebound and the additional infrastructure is in place. I am happy with my lease and its terms. Shell knows what they are doing and by the time they drill the drilling and fracking technology will improve................
Any wells permitted into the TBR are actually Utica tests. People sometimes go a little deeper to establish the limits of the formation and to confirm certain other downhole conditions, but the play is 100% Utica at this point.
There is a video of the Sharrett flare circulating, and while it would make a nice Marcellus well we need to hope that Seneca has done better with this new well if we want the Utica to really take off.
At current and projected gas prices, you need a monster well to turn a profit after all the costs have been factored in. Seneca has drilled a long lateral here, and is taking their best shot. I'm optimistic.
Jack, do you know how long the lateral actually was?
Can't remember off hand, but I think it was over 6,000 feet. They did a 30 stage frac, whereas Shell did between 13 and 19 stages on the wells they've reported so far. Next time I check PA-IRIS I'll look again.
The TBR well has not been drilled as of yet. However I believe permit has been issued....?
I have the TBR well specs and plat map on another PC along with the specs and plat map for the already drilled Uticia well on the Sharrett Well Pad site...............
will post latter when I fire up that pc....I think it was a 5000' lateral on the uticia
You've seen the completion report Shell filed for the Sharretts well, I assume. Not their best result, unfortunately. I wonder what made that one their weakest Utica well to date. Hopefully just bad luck.
A little off topic , but thanks Jack for all your insight and input to these boards .
Thanks - I enjoy the company too!
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