This is more on the humorous side. Since I've received large amounts in royalty and pipeline checks my bank acts so "suspicious" as to where this money is coming from. I've been asked numerous times if I get these checks regularly or if I was expecting to get this check. They act as if I received a bogus check in the mail and I'm trying to deposit it. It's so funny. Sometimes I'll bring large amounts of $20's (thousands of dollars worth) and exchange them for $100's and I get the same reaction. Do they think I'm money laundering? It's so funny. Hey bank people, get with the times because you will be seeing "big checks" all the time.

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Zack, Money magazine printed an article years ago that said if you have a large amount of money, don't risk it, you already have a large amount of money. Makes sense to me.


     Thanks for the info. After the 7th bank, I was going to start the buried treasure of coffee cans in the back yard.  I will check them out. I'm surprised my son didn't tell me about them. He is always looking out for his inheritance. LOL

Get some silver!    And a big vault.   :)

Hey ron  I passed it on to my lawyer in pa. I believe that it won't hurt  cj

Be careful the Feds have been known to freeze bank accounts. Some folks in Mi. had a diner and deposited numerous deposits of  money just under ten k because that was all they were insured for. Feds came in and frooze their accounts.Took a lawsuit by the Institute for Justice to finally get it cleared up

Agreed.  Having cash money today is akin to painting a bulls-eye on your back.  And that includes even sums well below $10K.  It is best to avoid such things.

Incidentally, pursuant to events of 9/11/2001, and for anyone unaware:

The terrorists won.

Learn from President Harry Truman (anybody remember him?), one of the last great Americans.  Truman demonstrated the only way to deal with anti-American fanatics is totally to destroy them.  Anything less than that and they just keep coming back to bedevil us.

Hiroshima.  Nagasaki.  Worked!

Truman had guts.  Today's Presidents do not.

It is all due to the paranoid of the federal government.  If you have any money you must be a terrorist or a drug dealer.  They think honest people do not have money as they tax most folks into poverty.  Another case of the government with their nose in peoples business.  

Donald Eisenbarth. Great answer! I share your views completely!

I KNOW they'd ask suspicious - reason is my mom just passed away recently, and the mortgage company for my parent's house needs to redo some paperwork.  I've had to send them documentation from their bank account and PER THE LADY, "Anything over $ 100 has to be sourced - per the PATRIOT ACT."   Well, my dad received the life insurance payment (enough to cover the funeral, basically...) and I had to document that.    Personally, I hate the Patriot Act - bullshit piece of legislation created to do nothing but take away our rights.   But that could be the reason.   Expect a visit from some guys in black SUVs one of these days.  OR, even better, some guys in riot gear in the middle of the night.   

If someone makes a large cash deposit. It could be as simple as just money they saved at home over the years and then decided to deposit it. The government is too "into others business".

Gold and Silver buried in a safe locale would be my suggestion..

Good old fashioned "Post Hole" Banks!


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