I haven't received a check for Feb. or March, 2016. I e-mailed CHK and they replied that I was over paid in 2013 and 2014 and they are "Recouping" the money and won't get a check until it is caught up. Has any one else had this problem? I am in the Hawk North well, Augusta Twp.

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JOIN THE CROWD!  About everyone seems to be in the same boat. Not just Chesapeake,but a host of other companies are joining in on the thievery. Hope you were;nt counting on that $$ as income. People have consulted attorneys,but so far,I don't think that there's a way to stop em anytime soon.

There isn't a way to stop them but there is a way to recoup any shortages which I believe will result from the "adjustment".

I am afraid of what a little reading between the lines will teach us. I am not into running a rumor mill and this is pure speculation on my part if you should choose to read on.

I cannot believe that a company like Chesapeake would incorrectly calculate royalty statements in favor of the landowner.

That is absolutely NOT their reputation.

I fear this maneuver may be among some last gasps for solvency, it just makes no sense any other way.

This is just terrible for landowners receiving royalty checks, now you will not only need to pin down Chesapeake as to the specifics of the drawback but you will then be left with the unenvious tasks of verifying the legality of the drawbacks and the accuracy of the miscalculation that Chesapeake discovered.

This is all the more reason to have an expert verify lease terms versus royalty payments, diligence of both party's to verify accuracy.

Best of luck Mr. Kramer, I wonder if we an keep in touch so I can learn from you in how you handle this bad situation.


      Chesapeake is in clear violation of all Ohio ALOV, SURE, and Williams leases, due to no Arms Length Sale at Fair Market Value. They handed off the well products to themselves at below fair market value at every well. This is just the first step where theft was used, it goes on, and on, and on, and on, and....

Please read the Hope Fellowship Church vs Chesapeake re-post, it should help with the anger we feel when being stolen from and no one will acknowledge the theft.

We have all been stolen from, starting at the latest in Feb 2014, probably earlier 2013, but I have the evidence from Chesapeake's Revenue Department starting in Feb 2014.

We have never been paid the royalty due us. Rest assured this latest slap in the face is more FRAUDULENT ACTIVITY from Chesapeake.

Not having their legal butts spanked, Chesapeake has gone too deep to shake off a possible RICO indictment in Ohio. They entered into the Ohio RICO realm the 2nd month of production at Buck Well 1H when they used Theft By Deception against all landowners in two independent fraudulent royalty pay outs. 

On the Federal level, they have used Mail Fraud stating there were no deductions on all of our royalty statements, and Interstate Commerce Fraud by taking all of Ohio's NGLs without any form of royalty payment.

If this isn't bad enough, they also took the 25% payment that Total E&P paid us on the wells they share with Chesapeake. It's all in the Revenue Department Spreadsheet, take a look.

One more thing, A certain Jefferson County Landowner complained of the Chesapeake theft to a lawyer who sold him out, at which time the landowner was threatened with a lawsuit to take his land.

In reading the Ohio RICO law, there's a paragraph that prohibit anyone involved in a Pattern of Corruption from threatening others to gain their silence.

Woops they just went deeper into the RICO quicksand.

Our property is in Lee Twp. Carroll.  We have 2 separate parcels.  1 parcel receives royalties from the Snoddy 1H and 5H while the other parcel receives royalties from the Snoddy 1H & 5H as well as the White well 5H.  For the parcel with only the Snoddy well on it, we received no check for October, November and December of last year.  After multiple calls the Chesapeake, I was given basically the same excuse that Chk. overcharged one of their customers and they had to recoup this money.  I could never get Chesapeake to give me anything in writing; neither could I get them to send me a copy of the monthly revenue statements so that I could see just how much money they took from us.  I was also told that everyone in the same unit had had their checks w/held as well. However, when I  called some of these people, everyone else had received royalty checks.  We seemed to be the only ones targeted since we had the most acreage in the unit.

At the beginning of March, the royalty checks from both parcels were withheld.  After calling Chesapeake, I was given the same excuse again - Chesapeake had overcharged a customer, and they had to recoup the money.  I was also told that everyone in the unit was affected.  Again, I called several people in the same units only to find out that only 2 other landowners had had their checks w/held.  Again, no paper trail was left by Chesapeake. One landowner was told that this could go on for at least another 3 or four months. 

I am seriously thinking of placing an ad in the Carrollton paper to see how many other Carroll landowners have experienced the same thing.  When you take a little bit of money from a lot of people, someone ends up with a lot of money!!!


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